Neighborhood Watchers!A resident at building # 27 reported the following incident. Justin did not witness this incident.
This happened in the cul de sac for building number 24, 25, 26 and 27
Approx 7:00pm - Thursday Aug 10, 2007
My husband and I noticed 2 young Hispanic boys one with a
gray shirt walk
by our cars. The next thing we both heard was a cop car talking to someone
on the loudspeaker at around 7pm. We both went quickly to our window and saw
3 cop cars and putting a young Hispanic boy with no shirt and jean shorts on
in handcuffs.
We found out that the crime happened off property at the McDonalds and the
boy/boys were caught here at the grassy area between buildings 27 and 1.
They said a fight broke out at the McDonalds and someone had used brass
knuckles and they ran away but they cops caught 1 maybe 2 of the boys.
Important Windhover Information!
Important Community Phone Numbers
Your Neighborhood Watch coordinators!
Justin Hammond Dorothy Henderson
6003 Windhover Dr 6017 Windhover Dr
407-408-6527 (cell) 407-351-3181
973-215-9448 (Fax)