Keep all doors including garage doors and windows locked, even when you are at home.
Install and use a wide angle viewer in your outside doors.
All entry doors should have a double cylinder deadbolt lock with a minimum one inch throw.
Trim shrubs and bushes to deny theives a hiding place and permit neighbors and police ready visibility.
If you live alone, don't advertise the fact. Instead, use initials on mail boxes and in phone books.
DO NOT hide a key under the door mat or anywhere else. Theives know all the hiding places!
When you move into a new home, re-key or replace all the locks.
Keep your vehicle locked and off the street and participate in the HPD H.E.A.T. program.
On The Road
Park in well lighted areas and have your keys ready before you approach your car to get in.
Glance on the floorboards and in the back seat before you get in.
If you are driving and you believe someone is following you, do not go home but go to the nearest police or fire station or somewhere that is well lit with people who will help.