Two homes were burglarized last week while the homeowners were on vacation. The burglars cut off the utilities and telephone lines so the alarm systems would not call for help. The Memphis Police said this is the first report of burglaries in the area.
The Memphis Police recommend when you leave your home to make sure your burglar alarms are equipped with Cellular technology so the system will not be dependent on land lines. The police also indicated that vacationers should stop their newspapers from being delivered and that they should alert someone to watch their home while they are out, even if it is just to make sure the papers did actually stop being delivered.
The Memphis Police stated that homeowners could request a vacation watch by calling the local precinct. During a vacation watch the police will patrol the area heavier than usual and will watch out for any strange happenings involving the property.
We as a homeowners association should all look out for each other. If you see your neighbors papers piling up in their drive while they are gone, please move then to a location a potential burglar cannot see from the street. If you see strange persons around the neighborhood, please safely see what they are up to. Never put yourself into an unsafe situation.