What's your reason for working? What's your reason for wanting a job? A reason keeps us working. A reason will keep produce a job. A reason will motivate you to put the necessary plans in place to find a job.
Build your future in your mind. You decide what job you want. You decide when you want the job. Claim your job in your every being. Watch your body go to work for the job. And watch the Universe reveal the ways for you to get the job. You hold the key to open the door to your next job. Don't hear people telling you there is no jobs to be had. Anyone working who tells you there are not jobs to be had is not who you should be allowing to talk to you about jobs. Maybe that person should be giving you some money instead, since they have laid out to you that you will not find a job.
Continuing to look for a job with no results is actually "your results". Your plan shows itself to you daily. What's your daily plan? You have to build your plan around your reason. Your reason moves you daily. Your accomplishments are before you based on your daily activities. Do you have a reason to have a job? What's your reason to have a job? What are you doing to get a job to make your needs and to make your wants reality.