Wrigley Association

Minutes - November 7, 2005

May 08, 2007

Monday, November 7, 2005

Call to Order at 7:07 P.M.

Board Member Role Call:
?• Present: Graeber, Greenwood, Kingsley, Hill, McKiernan, Norvell, Risch and Tolkoff.
?• Absent: Daniels, Greenfeld-Wisner, Haas

Approval of Minutes:
?• M/S/C, The minutes were approved with one correction, may instead of must regarding the liquor license.

Community Planner Comments - Jorge Ramirez gave the report.
1925 Pacific Avenue ?– (A storefront church) Application is complete. It will be reviewed by the department. He suggested that the Church met with the community and organizations. No recommendations at this time and no hearing date set.
Olson Company Project at Long Beach Blvd and Burnett. Joan announced that the company invlvoved with the project will be on the January meeting agenda.
Gas Station at Willow and Pacific ?– No new developments.
Sign on dollar store on Willow - The store had one year to remove it and was given an extension of one year. The Councilwoman for the area opposed the extension. It was suggested that residents could write letters to the Director of Planning & Building.
Motel on Willow - It will be a Best Western.
Jorge announced that he is moving to another department in the City and a new Community Planer will be assigned to the neighborhood.

Public Safety Update - Noor Ismail gave the report.
She distributed the crime stats, down Citywide by 5.9%
Commander Kilmer is moving to another department. The Commander from the East Division has been assigned to our area.

Program: Homeless Issue in Long Beach - Discussion Leader -- Kevin Cwayna
He is the co-chair of the 10 year plan to end homeless. A Power Point presentation was made showing many of issues regarding homelessness in Long Beach. There are several working groups to study the problem.

Treasurer?’s Report & Apparel Fund Raiser- Jill Hill presented the budget report.
?• The balance $ 6,305.51
?• The restricted balance $ 2,839.84
?• The unrestricted $ 3,465.84
She also discussed the Apparel Sale set for Dec 17th from 9:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. The goal is to raise $1300.00. Volunteers are needed to help with the sale.
In addition, she asked members to sign up to help plant trees on Saturday at the Wrigley Landscape Project. Ken Gore is the coordinator.

Christmas Tree Lane Report- Maria Norvell gave the report.
She reported that the Harbor Planning Commission gave $1000.00 to the parade. Donations from Wrigley total $550.00
?• Volunteers are needed to help. Sign up for the following events and days:
?• December 10th ?– Parade Day
?• December 3rd, Work day, meet at Hill and Daisy at 10:00 A.M.
?• December 9th, Contest Night, meet at B of A Bank 7:00 P.M.
?• December 11, 16, 17 & 18, Entertainment Nights with Santa

Membership Report- Nancy Risch gave the report.
A membership contest is taking place from now until Christmas. One of the prizes will be gift certificates to Star Bucks.

CPAC- Alan Tolkoff gave the report.
He reported on the development at 1900 block of Henderson. A 30 day no parking is being set up to count the drug problem.

Council Comments
6th District: Laura Richardson
On Tuesday, November 22nd the Tree Policy will be discussed by the City Council. She also discussed the Henderson Street issue. There were lots of problems on that street and it is hopefully that this step will help.
City Council will discuss a ?“Used Car lot moratorium?”. It will not affect existing lots.
Wrigley Village - The Councilwoman is working with NAG in South Wrigley. There is discussion of setting up a Business Improvement District.
Little League is being organized out of Vet?’s Park. Registration age groups, 4.5 to 18 years old.
7th District: Tonia Reyes Uranga
The Councilwoman discussed the homeless issue.
There will be an AQMD Board Meeting in Long Beach.
Airport ?– EIR Report is available.
Hill and San Francisco Park ?– Bids are being taken in December.

Audience Comments and Announcements:

Future Meetings
?• December 5, 2005 ?– Holiday Party
(No reports of Association Business except Christmas Tree Lane)
?• January 9, 2005 -- Proposed Townhouse Development on Long Beach Blvd.
(Please note: Changed to 2nd Monday due to Holiday)

50/50 Drawing:
?• The total was $ 21.00

Assemblywoman Betty Karnette spoke
She announced the opening of the bike station in Long Beach.

?• Chairperson Maria Norvell - 427-5021
?• PARADE DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2005, at 5:00 p.m.
?• WORKDAY: DECEMBER 3, 2005, 10 a.m.
TIMES ARE ?– 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M.
?• SANTA AT 20TH & DAISY, DECEMBER 11, 16, 17 AND 18
Santa?’s is out there 7 to 8 p.m.

Adjournment ?– 9:08 P.M.

Submitted by Christopher Graeber, Secretary

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