Wrigley Association


Jan 22, 2008


OCTOBER 1, 2007


Call to Order by David Carlton, Chair at 7:04 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance led by Andrew Scammon, board member

New/Returning Members: Brad Gagne, Olga Adams

Board Member Role Call:

* Present: Danny Amat, David Carlton, Annie Greenfeld-Wisner, Jill Hill, PG Herman, Colleen McDonald, Gavin McKiernan, Nancy Risch, Andrew Scammon
* Absent: Joan Greenwood, Maria Norvell

Approval of Minutes as Submitted: Colleen McDonald

* M/S/C McDonald, Greenfeld-Wisner by voice votes.

Refreshments: Connie Chick

Community Planner?’s Report: none

Public Safety Report: Lt. Bob Smith, West Division, afternoon. Gave crime statistics overview and noted property crimes are down substantially. Street robberies are also down.

6th District Announcements: Dee Andrews, 6th District councilman. Announced Town Hall Meetings for October 30th and November 27, both Tuesdays, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM to be held at California Recreation Center, 1550 Martin Luther King Ave. Dee also requested volunteers for the Martin Luther King Day event in 2008. John Edmonds, chief of staff, spoke later about the building strategic partnerships between the neighborhood and business. Sam Portillo announced an event featuring skateboarding and custom hot rods would be held Saturday, November 11th at Veteran?’s Park. Dee Andrews?’s office and the Long Beach Parks, Recreation, and Marine Department are providing this event. Write to Dee via email at: district6@longbeach.gov.

7th District Announcements: Tim Patton from Tonia Reyes-Uranga?’s office requested volunteers for the Daisy Lane Parade to be held December 8, 2007. Tonia spoke about the Air Quality Management Plant that is now in place to start taking action on a local and state basis. Long Beach will be working more closely with the port in reducing pollution from ships, trucks, and trains. LA?’s port is currently ahead of the Long Beach port in going green, and Tonia suggests calling our Port Commissioners to demand action. Dog Park news: sites are being studied for a dog park in the 7th or 8th district. Write to Tonia via email at: district7@longbeach.gov.


Emergency disaster response: Kathy Crow was unable to attend because of illness. Board member Andrew Scammon, who is currently taking CERT training (community emergency response team), spoke briefly about the classes and took questions from the audience.
CPAC Report: none

Wrigley Village Streetscape Design Update: the architects will present their update plans at the NAG meeting, Thursday, November 15 at the Wrigley Police Center on Pacific Avenue, 6 pm. The public will be allowed to provide input at this meeting.

Wrigley Tree Committee Report: 150 trees will be planted in Wrigley on Saturday, November 3.

Treasurer;s Report: held over until November meeting.

Announcement: Wrigley Association Christmas Dinner will be held on December 3rd. Pot Luck.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:40 PM

Submitted by Colleen McDonald, secretary

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