York Farms Maintenance Corporation Budget Meeting
2/11/09 6:00 p.m. at Bear Library
I. Call to Order
M. White called to order the budget meeting of the York Farms Maintenance Corporation (YFMC) at approximately 6:15 p.m.
II. Budget
1. Budget presented by M. White
2. YFMC members asked if the YFMC board should continue pursuing the
collection of past due assessments. YFMC members verbalized their desire to pursue collection of unpaid assessments.
3. Unanimous approval of the budget by all members present. The assessment
for the 2009-2010 year will be $125.00.
III. Open discussion
1. Update regarding retention ponds repairs: NCC constructed a dry retention
pond at the beginning of development and a wet pond at the end of the development. The wet pond has a built-in safety bench ("aquatic bench"), which is under the water level. The pond is designed to hold the water runoff to help prevent flooding. YFMC member stated 2 geese were observed wading in rear pond and expressed concern over geese flocking to rear retention pond and foul odors from their feces. YFMC members inquired regarding what can be done to promote movement of water in pond and to prevent geese from flocking to pond. R. Thomas will explore water movement and geese prevention methods, and the YFMC board will monitor geese activity.
2. Discussion regarding Verizon’s responsibility for repairing crack to Wales
Circle resulting from removal of FIOS cable installed by Verizon: Senator Connor said she would follow up on this matter as she paid for the repaving of Wales Circle.
III. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 8:00