Profile for mfreem02
Bio Details

My family has lived in El Dorado since 1969 when my Dad moved here with Southwestern Bell. I currently live in the house he bought new when we moved here. I remember when Sierra Madre ended at El Sendero and everything past that was scrub brush. My best friend and I spent many an hour hunting, fishing and camping at the lake. We always enjoyed going up to the horse stables and visiting the horses. There used to be a little pond across Leonhardt from the lake that was always good for catching perch on a #12 gold hook when we couldn't find any bait.
My wife, Cathy, is the former EDHA Clubhouse Manager. I have been selected for the position of Configuration/Data Management Administrator with Oceaneering Intervention Engineering. In my spare time, I am the administrator for and try to keep this website updated and relevant for the sub-division. We met here in San Antonio at First Baptist Church and have been married 20 years. We have one son, Eric, who is a high-functioning autistic (Asperger's). He is currently enrolled in the NEISD NETS program and has started his first job at the WalMart on Austin highway. Unfortunately, because of my new job, Cathy and I will be leaving El Dorado sometime this year.
Location: | San Antonio, TX |
Occupation: | Configuration Manager |
Registered: | 03/14/2001 |
Last login: | 07/06/2015 |
Respect-O-Meter: | Respected Neighbor |
Website: | |
Discussion Posts: | 16 (8 topics, 8 replies) |
Pages Created: | 30 |