Stanton 4433 Bylaws
- Residential use: Units may be used only for residential purposes.
- Leasing: An Owner may lease his/her Unit to a third person or persons provided that the term of the lease is for a period of not less than sixty (60) days and provided that the lease agreement contains an express provision under which the tenant agrees to be bound by and observe these Rules and Regulations and an express provision that allows the Association to enter the Unit in the event of an emergency and an express provision under which the Association has the right to terminate the lease for a breach of these Rules and Regulations. Any Owner who leases his/her Unit shall deposit a copy of the lease with the Association prior to the commencement of the term of such lease. Additionally, any Owner who leases his/her Unit must and employs a third party manager for such Unit must provide to the Association the name, address, phone and fax number, and email address of such third party manager.
- Compliance with Law: Each Owner using the Common Elements described in the Declaration of Stanton 4433 Condominiums including, but not necessarily limited to, sidewalks, stairways, elevated walkways, parking areas, passages, elevators, corridors, landscaped areas not designated as Limited Common Elements, shall conduct himself/herself and regulate the conduct of his/her guests so that the Common Elements remain unobstructed and available for the nonexclusive use of other Owners and their guests.
- Maintenance: Each Owner shall maintain his/her Unit in good condition and repair at all times and in full compliance with all applicable codes of the City of El Paso. Further, no Owner shall install or use any appliance that constitutes a fire hazard or engage in any activity within his/her Unit or on any Limited Common Element allocated to his/her Unit that constitutes a fire hazard.
- Liability for Damage: Each Owner shall be liable to the Association for all costs, including attorney’s fees, required to repair damage to the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements caused in whole or in part by the negligence or willful misconduct of such Owner or his/her family, guests, or tenants.
- Window Treatments: No curtains, Venetian blinds, shutters or other types of window treatments shall be placed in any window of any Unit other than the window treatments approved by the Association. The Association has currently approved two types of window treatments: (a) wood or faux wood blinds no less than two (2”) inches in width, or (b) plantation shutters. All window treatments shall either be alabaster in color or substantially similar color and all window treatments must be uniform and/or consistent with the window treatments in the other Units.
7. Balconies and Patios: Balconies and patios are Limited Common Elements allocated to a particular Unit. No balcony or patio shall be enclosed or otherwise modified from its original condition. An Owner may place potted plants on a balcony or patio but must take all steps to insure that excess water does not spill on the balcony or patio floor. All balconies and patios must be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition free of clutter and free of debris and rubbish. No indoor furniture shall be placed on any balcony or patio. No bicycles, motorcycles or weights or exercise equipment shall be stored on any balcony or patio. Pets unattended by their owner shall remain on any balcony or patio for longer than 30 minutes.
- Signs: No sign, notice, advertisement, or illumination shall be inscribed or placed in any window of a Unit. For sale or for rent signs shall not be placed anywhere in the Common Elements and may only be posted on the bulletin board in the Association clubhouse.
- Portable Air Conditioners: No portable ventilator or air conditioner shall be installed in any Unit without the prior written approval of the Association.
- Satellite Dishes: An Owner may install one satellite dish in a location designated by the Association on the roof of his/her Unit. No satellite dishes shall be located or installed on a balcony, porch or private patio. The cost of installation shall be borne by the Owner. An Owner shall be liable to the Association for any damage to the roof of his/her Unit arising from the installation or maintenance of a satellite dish.
- Antennas: No radio or television antennas, or similar types of equipment, shall be located or installed on the roof of any Unit or on a balcony.
- Boats and Oversized Vehicles: No Owner shall park or permit to be parked in any parking space, including a space allocated to such Owner’s Unit, any boat, any recreational vehicle or any truck longer than 20 feet.
- Parking: All motor vehicles owned, leased or being used by Owners of Units, or their tenants, must be parked only in the parking spaces allocated in the Declaration as Limited Common Elements to a particular Unit. Visitor’s spaces are available for use only by person who are not Owners of Units including, but not necessarily limited to, guests of Owners of Units. No Owner has the right to park or store any type of vehicle on any part of the Common Area other than Limited Common Area parking spaces allocated to his/her Unit.
- Traffic Regulations within the Property: All Owners and their tenants shall observe and obey all traffic signs installed within the Property by the Association including, but not necessarily limited to, speed limit signs and no parking signs.
- Noise: No Owner shall engage in any activity or use any type of mechanical or electrical equipment, or use any type of musical instrument, either within or without his/her Unit that creates noise levels that unreasonably disturb other Owners or prevents other Owners from enjoying the use of their Units.
- Use of Common Elements by Children: Children are not allowed to play in the elevators or stairways. Children under the age of 18 unattended by a parent or an adult shall not be allowed in the fitness center, clubhouse or pool area.
- Animals: Owners shall have the right to keep not more than two dogs or two cats or two other common household pets in their Units. Allowed pets shall be confined by Unit Owners to their Unit or the Limited Common Elements assigned to their Unit. Unit Owners shall not allow their Pets to unreasonably disturb other Unit Owners or their tenants. Unit Owners may allow their pets to temporarily walk on the Common Elements but all pets must be on leashes at all times and all pet droppings must be promptly removed. The Board shall have the right to promulgate additional Rules and Regulations to regulate this subject.
- Elevators: The Association Manager shall be notified before any elevator is used to move furniture or appliances. Furniture and appliances shall not be transported in elevators between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
- Washer/Dryer Installations: No Owner may install washer/dryer plumbing and electrical connections in his/her Unit without the prior written consent of the Association. Consent will not be unreasonably withheld but will be based upon satisfactory evidence that the installation and operation of washer/dryer connections will not damage adjacent Units or the adjacent Common Elements.
- Pest Inspection: On giving twenty-four (24) hours’ notice to the Owner, the agents of the Board of Directors or the Managing Agent and any contractor or workman authorized by the Board of Directors or the Managing Agent may enter any Limited Common Element allocated to a Unit for the purpose of inspecting the Unit for the presence of insects, or other pests, and for the purpose of taking such measures as may be necessary to control or exterminate such insects or pests.
- Cooking on Balconies, Porches and Private Patios: Cooking shall not be permitted on any balcony, porch and private patio allocated to a Unit.
- Storage Space: The Association may rent storage spaces on the Property on a first come, first served basis on such terms as the Board of Directors may establish by resolution.
- Laundry Room: The laundry and drying apparatus in the laundry rooms in the Property shall be used in a manner and at times as the Board of Directors or the Managing Agent may direct. Clothes and other articles shall not be dried or aired on any balcony, porch, and private patio or on any Common Element.
- Use of Roof: Owners and their tenants and guests shall not keep in the Owner’s Unit any flammable, combustible, or explosive fluid, material, chemical, or other substance, except for normal household chemicals.
- Clubhouse Use: The Clubhouse and its recreational and exercise amenities are available on a first come, first served basis at the rates and on the terms posted in the Clubhouse or other wise established in writing by the Association.
- Fitness Center: Any Owner of a Unit shall liable for the total cost of repairing or replacing any equipment that is damaged by such Owner of a Unit or by such Owner’s tenants, family members, or guests.
- Insurance: Nothing shall be done or kept in any Unit or in the Common Elements that will increase the rate of insurance on the Common Elements without the prior written consent of the Board. No Owner shall permit anything to be done or kept in the Owner’s Unit or in the Common Elements that will result in the cancellation of insurance on any Unit or on any part of the Common Elements or that would be in violation of the law. No waste shall be permitted in the Common Elements. No gasoline, kerosene, cleaning solvents, or other flammable liquids shall be stored in the Common Elements.
- Prohibited Activities: No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on in any unit or in the Common Elements, nor shall anything be done in any Unit or in the Common Elements that unreasonably disturbs the Owners of other Units or their tenants.
- Plumbing Leaks and Repairs: The Owner of a Unit is required to immediately report to the Association if a plumbing problem (including but not limited to a plumbing leak) occurs inside their Unit. If the Owner of a Unit fails to immediately report the occurrence of a plumbing problem inside a Unit, the Owner of the Unit will be liable for all damages inside or outside the Unit, including but not limited to mold remediation. The Owner of a Unit is liable for all damages to any other Units caused by water leaking out of their Unit into another Unit or into the Common Elements. In the event a plumbing problem exists inside the interior walls of a Unit the owner of the Unit will be responsible for the cost of repair if the leak or other plumbing problem exists in pipe located inside the exterior walls of the building in which the Unit is located. If the leak or other plumbing problem exists outside of the exterior walls of the building then the Association will be responsible for the cost of repair.
- Amendments: Any consent or approval given under these Rules and Regulations may be added to, amended, or replaced at any time by a resolution of the Board of Directors.
I acknowledge receiving as well as reading these Rules & Regulations set forth by the Stanton 4433 Home Owner’s Association and agree to abide by them as a resident of the community.
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Signature Date
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Signature Date