Around The Block Club
Minutes of Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The meeting was called to order by the President James Burt
The prayer was given by Rev. Cecil Smith
Members recited Pledge of Allegiance
Dinner was served @ 7:15 p.m.
The meeting started @ 7:45 p.m after members had a chance to get their food and enjoy the dinner.
The club gave recognition to our three first time members that were in attendance.
Mr. Wilson gave an update on the Treasure Report.
1. $159.48 total in expenses
2. $395.00 was deposited to our account
3. $2136.04 was the balance that we have in our account.
Diana and Maxine have agreed to work on our member?’s phone list and numbers for the club.
Block Captains Recognition & Certificates were given out to those in attendance.
Old Business:
Senior Computer Update Training was given by Maxine Toler. She is currently working with three seniors at this time, and encourages others to give her a call.
We had ten people sign up so far for CPR Training!
The garden club update was given by Maxine. She stated that we currently have five people who have signed up for the club. Maxine shared some great information with us regarding the sidewalk repairs, tree trimming updates, and where the city is with that. For more information on that see Maxine Toler.
New Business:
A flyer committee has been put together to help assist with our monthly flyer.
Maxine Toler, Lanette Peary, Carolyn Tiller, Arlen Calhoun, and Diana M. have all agreed to work.
Spotlight Business of The Month went to Dedric Terry of ?“THE CREATERRY?” Dedric spoke briefly about his Design-Printing-Signs-Multimedia-Copies-Business Services. He also passed out business cards, as well as showed examples of his great work!
Frank Wilson gave an update on the Albertson bags. He stated that they are $2.49 and that Santa Monica has banned all plastic bags in their city. One member mentioned that we should use ?“Old Pillow Cases?”
It was mentioned that Danny Tabors office working on the installation update for us. We will keep you posted.
Yard Sale issue was raised, and it was mentioned that we need a permit to hold a yard sale. Mr. Burt will try to get the permit for us.
Meeting was adjourned