- 6 Tips To Sell Your Home in a Down Market
Times have changed and unlike a few years ago, it is not easy to sell a home in today's depressed real estate market. If you are not in a position to stay in your home and "wait out the storm", you must be...
- How To Buy A Short Sale Property
You’ll need time and the right temperament to purchase a short sale property, but you could save thousands if you do.
It’s no secret that some great real estate deals are out there, thanks to our...
- Lower Your FHA Loan Payments
If you have an FHA loan, a new loan modification program can help you lower your monthly payments.
Lower Your FHA Loan Mortgage Payments
Have an FHA loan? Want to reduce your mortgage payments? Loans backed...
- Reverse mortgage: the pros and cons
Reverse mortgages can offer extra cash for seniors, but there are drawbacks. Learn what you should take into consideration before taking out a reverse mortgage.
Seniors are feeling just as cash-strapped as...
- HAFA provides new short sale and deed-in-lieu options
A new federal government program, called Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives, encourages lenders to pursue alternatives to foreclosure.
Millions Facing Foreclosure
No homeowner wants to face...
- FHA Home for Sale - How to Buy a HUD Home
Almost anyone can buy a FHA foreclosed home, offered by HUD, and usually get a good bargain.
What Is a HUD Home?
Let's say someone has bought a residential home with a Federal Housing Administration (FHA)...
- How To Challenge Your Property Assessment
If your home value is dropping but your property taxes are not, you can appeal the assessed value of your home which may help lower your taxes.
Property values are down, so why doesn’t your property tax ...
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