This neighborhood association is formed to promote meaningful participation and lasting relationships among neighbors and to promote the enhancement of the lifestyle found within and between this neighborhood and other neighborhoods.
Article I. Name and Boundaries
This neighborhood association shall be known as the Alvernon Heights Neighborhood Association. The area of the association is bounded by 26th Street, the west side of Columbus Boulevard, Sylvane Drive, and the eastside of Montezuma Avenue. These boundaries are left open to future changes.
Article II. Purposes
To encourage maximum security and safety for residents of this neighborhood.
To maintain a quality residential neighborhood and enhance its aesthetic qualities.
To provide for and encourage desirable neighborhood development.
To discourage and control the movement of heavy vehicular traffic throughout the neighborhood.
To promote meaningful participation and lasting relationships among neighbors.
To perform such other activities as may be in the furtherance of the neighborhood interests.
Article III. Membership
A member shall be a person who either resides or owns real property within the Alvernon Heights Neighborhood. A member shall be entitled to one vote, providing that said member is current and in good standing.
Minimum age for membership is 18 years old.
Dues will be $5 per year. The year will begin with the annual meeting.
Membership shall expire at the beginning of the annual meeting of each calendar year and shall not retain any privileges or voting rights.
Article IV. Officers
Officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer, and 7 Block Representatives hereafter comprising the Executive Board.
Article V. Bylaws
Bylaws shall be adopted at the organizational meeting and thereafter may be amended by a majority of voting members in attendance.
Article VI. Parliamentary Authority
A modified version of Robert?s Rules of Order shall govern the association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the charter and bylaws and any special rules of order the association may adopt.
Article VII. Meetings
The annual meeting and other membership meetings shall be set by the bylaws.
Article VIII. Amendment Procedure
Upon approval this charter shall remain in effect until revoked or amended by a majority vote of the members present at a meeting called for that purpose.
Article IX. Dissolution
This association may be dissolved by a majority of members present at a meeting called for that purpose. Any assets of the association may be transferred to a successor organization as designated by the voting members at the time of dissolution.
The area of the association is bounded by 26th Street on the north Columbus Boulevard on the east, Sylvane Drive on the south, and Montezuma Avenue on the west.
Article I. Officers
A. The officers of this association shall hold office for the terms of one year or until their successors are elected. The term of office shall begin at the close of the annual meeting. The duties of the officers shall be as follows
The President shall call and preside at all membership and Executive Board meetings, shall act for and in behalf of the membership of the association shall appoint special committees necessary for the operation of business of the association, shall act as official spokesperson of the association, shall implement the decisions of the Neighborhood Association.
The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, assume all of the duties of the office.
The Secretary Treasurer shall provide the President a record of all the neighborhood and special meetings, minutes, and legal transactions of the association; retain all receipts; and provide an up-to-date financial report at each meeting
Block Representatives will represent each of the 7 blocks making up the Alvernon Heights neighborhood.
No member shall hold more than one office at a time.
All records of the officers are the property of the association.
Article II. Committees
The President shall have the power to appoint committees as necessary.
Article III. Meetings
B. The first meeting of the year shall be the annual meeting
The voting members present shall constitute a quorum.
20% of the voting members shall have the privilege of calling a special meeting at any time.
Expenditures must be approved by a majority of voting members present.
All voting members must sign in.
The Secretary Treasurer shall ensure voting members present are current with their membership dues.
Article IV. Nomination and Election of Officers
Nomination of officers shall be from the floor of the annual meeting.
Election of officers shall be held on the same day as nominations.
Upon installation of the officers whose terms begin at the close of the annual meeting, all documents, records, and any material pertaining to the duties of the office as designated in the bylaws which are in the possession of the outgoing officers shall be submitted to the newly elected counterpart within 7 days of the installation.
Any vacancies occurring during the year of any office or shall be filled by a majority of voting members present.
Any officer may be removed from office for cause by a majority vote of the voting members present.
All nominees shall be allowed to present a speech to the voting members present and then must exit the room until the voting is tallied.
Article V. Fiscal Responsibility
Withdrawal of funds of the President or Vice-President and the Secretary Treasurer.
All expenditures must have the majority approval of voting members present during the meeting it was solicited.
Article VI.
This association will not discriminate on the grounds of race, ethnicity, culture, religion, socio-economic class, or sexual persuasion.
This association will not interact with any organization that discriminates on the grounds of race, ethnicity, culture, religion, socio-economic class, or sexual persuasion.
Article VII. Amendment Procedure
These bylaws may be amended by a majority of the voting members
Quarterly meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of January, April, July, and October at 6:00pm at the Columbus Library.