The neighborhood known as the Arboretum began with the development of Blossom Hills in the late 1970's. This area along Perennial Drive West of Barnsbury was developed mainly between 1976 and 1983.
The neighborhood known as the Arbor extends along Perennial Drive from Barsbury on the West to Jones Maltsberger on the East. This area was developed between 1984 and 1996. Homes are still being added as there a few vacant lots remianing.
The neighborhood known as Blue Crest Estates along Blue Crest Lane consists of lots ranging from one-half acre to five acre estates. This neighborhood goes back to the 1950's but has residences built as recently as 2003. The zoning in this neighborhood was changed in 2008 to preserve the large lot estate nature of this neighborhood.
Year 2011 Officers
President: Shirley Watts 210-494-8441
Vice President: Mark Bryant 210-881-9207
Secretary: Cheryl Smith 210-403-3797
Treasurer: Donna Thompson 494-4579
Parliamentarian: Sonja Dowling 210-595-7448
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