- kflis
- Valued Neighbor
- 3 Posts
I wrote a letter to the city on 07/19/2004 requesting an update on the unfinished paving job for Audubon and the installation of the speed bumps. The letter was sent to Ricky Berryhill of the Street Maintenance Department and three of his superiors: Larry Cooper, Herman Adair and Jerry Collins. I have heard stories that they were going to repave the entire street and I was also told that they were going to install aprons to the driveways and the speed bumps within 30 days. So far, I have seen no evidence that any work will be done. If I receive any updates I will post them on this web site.
Audubon Speed Bumps
Thank you for helping and informing all of us. However, we (on Oakridge) are NOT for so many bumps. Two or three should do the job, don't you think?
By Susie Fister
- kflis
- Valued Neighbor
- 3 Posts
Response from City of Memphis
Jerry Collins from the City of Memphis called me today to update me on the repaving of our neighborhood. When the old asphalt was taken up it was discovered that the street was not paved in the conventional manner. The street had a sub-base of gravel with a 1/2'' of asphalt poured over it. This is a thinner base than what was expected. When the repaving was begun the city made the street one to one and a half inches higer so they could pave up to the edge of the water table. The water table is the concrete curb that meets that asphalt. This did not work as planned. Now the city is going to repave the streets and pave over the water table. This will correct the problem of cars bottoming out when backing out of a driveway. The speed bumps are going to be put back. Repaving should begin soon. I was told as early as next week. I also expressed our concern about the Audubon/Haverhill intersection. I should receive a call from the city engineer about this.
- kflis
- Valued Neighbor
- 3 Posts
Update on Repaving of Streets
Larry Cooper from the City of Memphis called me today. They are going to begin the repaving of 4 streets in our neighborhood this week. The streets to be repaved are: Audubon, Oaksedge, Oak Ridge and Burgundy. They are simply going to repave over the existing asphalt and over the water table. The water table is the flat concrete part of the curb. After the repaving is complete, the Traffic Engineering department will install the speed bumps. No date on when the speed bumps will happen.