Avery Park Neighborhood Association



Canal Importation Master Drainage Plan 8/23/00 draft

"Purposes of the Master Drainage Plan"
1. identify flooding problems within the basin [Canal Importation (CIB) = 5 square miles in west-central Ft. Collins - including Avery Park Neighborhood], or the Old Town Basin [includes CSU] as a result of runoff generated within the CIB;
2. identify existing hatbitat areas;
3. prepare a cost effective plan of drainage improvements for the basin which will eliminate, to the extent practicable, flooding for up to the 100 year rain storm event

Of the seven (7) "major drainage corridors defined" - two (2) are within the Avery Park Neighborhood: Elizabeth Street/Constitution Ave. & Clearview Channel.

Table 2 of the report: "Flood Damages with existing drainage facilities" identifies the need for drainage improvements.
for Clearview & Elizabeth/Constitution

10 yr thunderstorm event = $4.06 million in damage
100 yr thunderstorm event = $9.56 million in damage to 272 structures [not living units]

A copy of the Executive Summary of the CIB Master Plan can be obtained from Susan Hayes at Stormwater Utility at 700 Wood or email: shayes@ci.fort-collins.co.us

Avery Park-New Mercer Ditch Drainage Channel Improvements

New Mercer Ditch Drainage plan - Also See STORM CHANNEL

A> a covered "box culvert" for the New Mercer Ditch irrigation flows [capacity 100cfs, 8'x3.5'] from Elizabeth Street south through Avery Park Neighborhood to Prospect Road;

B> an open stormwater drainage channel [5to6ft deep x 32to33ft wide] just west of box culvert within New Mercer Ditch's right of way, including a new bridge for Springfield Drive over NMD/stormwater channel. NOTE: there are 5 different cross-sections (style, size, & depth) to this Storm Channel. Some cross sections have sloped native grass sides -some with concrete sides;

C> an additional "box culvert" for the stormwater channel from Prospect Road to the proposed Red Fox Meadows Detention Pond [Note: this additional box culvert costs $1,978,200.00 in construction costs + $602,000.00 design costs + $593,000.00 in Engineering & Administrative Costs to represent 1/3rd of the total costs of the entire New Mercer project at $3.2 + MILLION];

D> a radial gate on Larimer County Canal #2 directly north of Elizabeth Street with a spillway for peak stormwaters to go down Elizabeth Street east of LCC#2 [Comment: this radial gate is needed because of an additional box culvert being proposed for the diversion of Plum Street Detention Pond stormwaters and NOT an expansion/improvement of the Plum Street Detention Pond]

The New Mercer Ditch "project will eliminate spills from NMD between Elizabeth Street and Canal Importation Channel [just south of Red Fox then east to Shields (just south of Rite Aid Drug)] during the 100 year event." "The project will provide 100 year protection for the Constitution/Bryan Ave. neighborhood, while decreasing flooding potential along West Elizabeth Street, and reducing runoff to CSU."
Estimated total Cost of New Mercer Ditch Project = $10.48 million

NOTE: Profiles and/or Cross Sections [SEE MAP in "STORM CHANNEL" community page] are available via FAX.
email a request to rvalues@uswest.net with your street address [See "Storm Channel" page for actual house addresses for each crosssection or area of the New Mercer Ditch improvement] that you want details, plus FAX number and the appropriate profile and/or cross section will be faxed to you.

Additional APN Proposed Projects -

In addition to the New Mercer project, improvements within the Clearview Channel include: replacement of culverts under Taft Hill and Hillcrest Drive; plus - for the Constitution/Bryan corridor - enlargement of the Storm Sewer from Constitution to Bryan to LCC#2.

Get Profile and/or Cross Section of the New Mercer proposed improvements [SEE STORM CHANNEL page] for your address by sending an email request to the hotlink below with street address (or area you want detail) and FAX #.

Email us

Posted by gav1625 on 09/22/2002
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