There have been some disturbing incidents in the neighborhood during the past week. We want everyone to be aware of them and ask you to take extra precautions and be on the alert for any other suspicious activity.
1. A neighbor had 2 teens ring his doorbell repeatedly while he was in the shower. The next-door neighbor then saw the teens in the first neighbor's backyard, playing with the cable that went up to the dish on the roof. Neighbor #2 turned on a porch light, which scared the teens and they took off. Neighbor #2 shouted a few choice words after them.
2. Two nights later, Neighbor #2 had graffiti painted on his house. The police were summoned, who said it looked like gang-related symbols.
Please be extra alert in the neighborhood for the next few days. With the holidays coming, there are unfortunately increases in theft and other crimes.
The police have had patrols driving through the neighborhood at least one evening since then. Hopefully there will be no further incidents.
Let's help prevent crime from happening in our neighborhood.
Report any suspicious activity to the police by calling 911 immediately.
The Neighborhood Watch program recommends that you turn on your outdoor lights at night, and be aware of who is on your street. It is a community effort to keep us all safe.