The Battlemont Neighborhood Association began informally in June 1998 when a few folks heard of Nashville Electric's plan to put up high voltage power lines down Battlefield Dr. We were able get a representative on the Citizens Advisory Committee which eventually made a recommendation to the NES Board of Directors. After much discussion, many meetings and lots of research, BNA was able to get the power lines re-routed where it impacted only a few houses. From there, we wrote by-laws which were adopted in March 1999. We had our first elections of officers in December 1999.
BNA Officers
Serving as the Temporary President of the organization is Barbara Short (Marengo Ln.) Home: 292-0934
Please remember to drive slowly through our streets. Let’s keep our neighborhood safe. Keep an eye out for our joggers, walkers, and children. Thank you!
Please consider making a donation in any amount to the “Battlemont Neighborhood Association” and send it c/o Kathy Felts, Treasurer, 819 Park Terrace, 37204. Your involvement is greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
The name of the organization shall be Battlemont Neighborhood Association, hereinafter referred to as the Association.
The purpose of the Association shall be to maintain and improve the quality of life in the neighborhood in matters such as safety, land use, environmental protection, public services, consumer protection and other matters of neighborhood concern.
The objectives of the Association shall be to:
1. Foster neighborhood identity and sense of community.
2. Represent and advance the interests of residents in the neighborhood.
3. Keep all residents informed of issues vital to the neighborhood by appropriate communication and meetings.
4. Establish standing and ad hoc committees to investigate and make recommendations to the Association on all matters of neighborhood concern.
5. Establish mutual protection and safety.
6. Work toward development and preservation of natural green spaces, parks, trees, wetlands, and landscaping and general land use management.
Section 1 - Membership shall be open to any person 18 years or older, who lives within or owns property within the Association's boundaries:
• North is the I-440
• East is Franklin Pike
• South is Woodmont Boulevard
• West is Belmont Boulevard
Section 2- Other individuals interested in the welfare of the neighborhood as described in Articles II and III may apply for non-resident membership in the Association. The Steering Committee shall review and approve all such requests. These individuals may serve on committee, but may not vote or hold office in the Association.
Section 3- Any member of the Association shall have the right to vote at all meetings and shall be eligible to serve as an officer on the Steering Committee, or on any standing or ad hoc committee. There shall be no discrimination of any kind that would give advantage or disadvantage to one over another.
Section 4- Annual dues may be assessed of members or contributions solicited from them in the amount established by the Steering Committee and approved at a meeting of the general membership. If so, dues shall be collected at the time of the Annual meeting. Failure to pay dues or to make a financial contribution shall not impair any member's rights in the Association.
Members of the Association present at any meeting shall be entitled to one vote. Members may vote by proxy at any meeting if a written, dated and signed proxy by the member is presented to an Association officer before the meeting convenes.
Section 1 - There shall be a minimum of one meeting per year at a time determined by the Steering Committee. The purposes of this meeting shall be to elect officers to the Steering Committee, to appoint Block Captains, to establish the annual dues rate, and to set Association goals for the upcoming year.
Section 2 - Any two members of the Steering Committee may call Association meetings throughout the year as determined necessary. The purpose of these meetings shall be to transact the on-going business of the Association.
Section 3 - Written notice for all Association meetings shall be delivered to the membership not less than 10 days and not more than 30 days before the date of such meeting. Notices shall state the place, day and hour of the meeting.
Section 4 - Emergency meetings may be called by a majority of the Steering Committee members as deemed necessary and a good faith effort of public notification shall be made. The results of these meetings shall be reported at the next Association meeting.
Section 5 - A quorum is defined as the number of members present at any given meeting.
Section 1 - The Steering Committee shall consist of 7 members including the 5 officers of the Association and 2 members-at-large. Committee members shall serve 2-year terms that will be staggered in such a way that approximately half of the members are elected each year. Reasonable effort shall be made to have Steering Committee members represent the diversity of the neighborhood. The newly elected Steering Committee shall take office at the next Association meeting.
Section 2 - The Steering Committee shall manage the affairs of the Association, and shall determine the activities and programs of the Association in pursuit of the purpose and objectives set out in Articles II and III.
Section 3 - The Steering Committee shall report to the membership at the annual meeting the activities undertaken in the past year.
Section 4 - The President shall fill any vacancy occurring on the Steering Committee between annual meetings until the next annual meeting where an election shall take place. A vacancy may be assumed to exist whenever a Steering Committee member misses two consecutive meetings.
Sections 5 - Any member of the Steering Committee may be removed for cause at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present, providing that written notice has been furnished pursuant to Article VI, Section 3.
Section 6 - The Steering Committee shall appoint a Nominating Committee representing the diversity of the neighborhood, which shall be chaired by the Vice-President. The Nominating Committee shall publish a slate of nominees for the Association officers and at-large members to the Steering Committee not less than 20 days prior to the Annual meeting. The Steering Committee shall present the slate of nominees to the general membership for the final vote. Additional nominations shall be allowed from the floor at the annual meeting.
Section 1 - The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Membership Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2 - The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting and shall serve 2-year terms as stated in Article VII, Section 1.
Section 3 - The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The President shall take an active part in all deliberations, but shall not vote unless there is a tie. The President shall be empowered to sign documents, represent the Association to the community, and shall approve all statements and correspondence made on behalf of the Association.
Section 4- The Vice-President shall serve as the Association's Parliamentarian and fulfill the duties of the President in the absence of the President. The Vice-President shall chair the Nominating Committee as well as perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Section 5 - The Recording Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all business meetings conducted by the Association and provide copies of the minutes at the following meeting. The Secretary shall write and keep records of all correspondence, and maintain historical documents for the Association as well as other duties as assigned by the President.
Section 6 - The Membership Secretary shall oversee a Block Captain substructure where most of the membership work shall be done. In addition, the Membership Secretary shall oversee the following duties: the collection of all membership dues and maintain an updated Association membership/residential database; welcoming new members to the neighborhood; and the production of fliers or a newsletter announcing the meetings with news on the Association's activities and/or issues.
Section 7 - The Treasurer shall maintain a bank account for the Association's money, keep accurate records of all income and expenditures along with receipts, and shall co-sign all checks with another officer of the Association. The Treasurer shall make a written report at Association meetings or as requested by the President.
Section 8 - The President shall assign the two at-large members of the Steering Committee special duties as needed.
The fiscal year of the Association shall be the calendar year (January - December).
The By-Laws may be altered, amended, or repealed and new By-laws may be adopted by a majority of the members present at any Annual meeting of the Association, if a 10-day written notice is given of the intention to alter, amend, repeal, or adopt new By-laws.
ARTICLE XI - Political Endorsements
Section 1 - The Association shall not endorse specific political candidates for office, but may sponsor forums or special meetings for candidates to speak to the membership. However, all members are encouraged to participate individually in the political process and to support and endorse candidates as they see fit.
Section 2 - Any Steering Committee member who chooses to endorse or support candidates should make it very clear that that support does not in any way represent or imply that they, in their official capacity with the Association, are making said endorsement. (As amended & approved 5/16/00)
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