Beachwood was started in 1959. There are 328 homes and 148 apartments in the neighborhood. Conveniently located on high, dry ground halfway between downtown and the beaches.
Beachwood was built in two phases. Unit I was built from 1959-1961 and contains the concrete block houses in the eastern (closer to Beachwood Blvd.) half of the neighborhood. The western half and Starfish Drive houses were built in the late 1970's.
The Beachwood Civic Association is a voluntary group of neighbors who join efforts to keep up and improve the public areas of the neighborhood. We also seek to foster a closer relationship between all the residents of the neighborhood through social, educational, and recreational activities. Anyone can be and is encouraged to be a part of the Beachwood Civic Association.
The Beachwood Civic Association is made up of folks like you who see a need and do something about it to make this a better neighborhood for everyone.
What the Beachwood Civic Association is not: We are not the code enforcement office nor the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office. We have no power to issue tickets or write up violations. We are not ones who leave signs on cars or houses telling someone to clean up their act or else. We are not ones to call a business to complain anonymously behind the “name” of the Association.
In short, the Beachwood Civic Association is YOU, if you take an active role in making this a better place to live for all of us.
We invite you to come out to the monthly meeting at 7:00 PM on the third Tuesday of each month to help us work together to find ways to make Beachwood the best neighborhood in Jacksonville. If you have a problem, a complaint, or an idea, we’d love to have you come and share it.