Population: A few hundred great people, and a lot of deer, elk, fox, birds and squirrels.
Location: Close to, and oh so far away from, Denver.
Air: Pine scented & clean.
Views: Unbelievable
The Bear Mountain Vista Homeowners' Association is a voluntary nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the state of Colorado. It has Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, officers and directors.
The Bylaws of the Association provide for four officers: a president, a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer. The officers also comprise the board of directors. The officers are elected by a vote of the members at the annual meeting and picnic in August or September. While the association welcomes members from surrounding neighborhoods, the bylaws state that board members must be homeowners in the Bear Mountain Vista Subdivisions.
Board meetings are currently held quarterly on the second Tuesday of the month. Extra meetings will be scheduled as necessary. All members of the Association are welcome to attend. Call any officer for the time and place of other upcoming meetings.
Membership dues are per year per family. The officers determine the dues amount. They have determined to keep dues low so as to encourage as many families as possible to join the Association. The down side, however, is that the Association has only limited funds available to use for the benefit of the members. Dues should be paid before or at the time of the annual meeting. A check in the amount of payable to the BMHA can be mailed to the treasurer of the Association at P.O. Box 2068, Evergreen, CO 80437.
Membership dues are used for the annual meeting/summer picnic, for printing and distributing frequent informational newsletters, for printing and distributing the Association Directory and for the holiday party in December. The Association also owns a backpack weed sprayer and has a supply of the herbicide "curtail" that is available for members to use.
There are many advantages to be gained from membership-the most important are the opportunity to meet interesting neighbors and to become involved in the process of keeping the mountain a great place to live and work.
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