Excuse me I wrote section D, I meant C.
I posted this once , so i'll post it again:
I am a homeowner who was opposed to the HOA. Since the rules have changed in the middle of the game with Secition D not being included, I think we should have another election on the future of this HOA. Being that the first street on the left and the new subdivision in the rear will not be a part, I just don't see that being surrounded by homes with no obligations or restrictions, that our effort, money, and frustrations could benefit us. I have been apart of a HOA in the past, and it was always surrounded by politics, corruption, and bickering. The City of Hernando already has in place ordinaces that doesn't differ much from our HOA laws. With what we are finding out now and seeing this HOA is really alot of frustrations on both sides, I think if we had another election that we would blow away the 2/3 votes necessary to dissolve. Afterall, it was only one vote away from that with such a minimal participation. The last election only proved to me that most people didn't care or was against it. I don't understand the 2/3 anyway, whatever happened to majority rules? And in closing, I do appreciate the board for what they have tried to accomplish and their good intentions behind this, but now it's time to reassess this situation.