Hello Hello!
Thought I would introduce myself and my family.
I'm Ashley, a stay at home momma and loving it! In my spare time I love to do calligraphy, I do it on the side for wedding invitations and other things ( www.craftyashley.com ) is my website incase you ever need any calligraphy done :)
I also in boredom have made an online just for mommas message board for mothers all over the U.S. Its been a blast to find new mothers from all over and get advice when needed and surely I love to help and give all the advice I can. ( www.mommashideout.com/forums )
My husband is Michael, He is a manager for publix, has come up fast through the branches to get where he is today. He loves his job as he usually is at work 60-70 hours a week. In his spare time he loves to golf.
We have two children Drew who is 4 full of engry and always looking to have a blast, and Miss Bridgette who is 18 month old. She surely is a girly girl. And then we have one that is due in August 2008.
All to share for now, hope to get to know each one of you!