I was standing outside on my driveway this morning at 2:00 AM when a car pulled up two doors down and sat there with the motor running and the lights on. I walked to the end of my drive and stood there for a minute and then the car pulled up and a person in uniform rolled down the window and began to tell me who he was and what he was doing. He explained to me how the Florida aquifer was extremely low and that Georgia was pulling more water than normal from our state to make matters worse. He never said a thing about how many people he had caught and I didn't ask. After telling me to do a search on Google for 'Council of 100' for more information after I asked him where to get more info, he then bid farewell. I watched him drive around, stopping off and on at different addresses, three time around Montilla Loop before not seeing him anymore.
I'm glad I have my timer set for the correct watering day. As we started talking the sprinklers went on. He didn't flinch an eye and I was relieved.
Watch out, check your timers, set them for the right day.