The frost damaged Oleanders from two winters past have been clipped to the ground at the 1st entranceway. A fresh layer of pine bark has been spread temporarily until a new plant scheme is come up with. It has been suggested to use Vibernum hedge plants to create a row of privacy between the property and the road, in the back of the beds. These hedge plants are what you see along the common walls. A planting of the Indian Hawthorne bushes was also suggested to fill the bed where the Oleanders used to be. These Hawthornes are now blooming white flowers. This planting scheme was suggested to match the common wall planting and since these plants are winter hardy there would be no future damage from frost. A quote was made by Williams Nursery right around the corner on Hutchison Rd. for the pine bark and plants for right around $810, if I remember right. At the last board meeting held on March 7th the board president, Danny Crawford, made a motion to buy the pine bark at this time until a plant scheme of design was had. Danny had shot down my suggestion saying that 'we needed a drawing to show what it will look like.' He had brought a hand color penciled drawing to the previous meeting with a two page list of shrubs to chose from of which I had made the same remark to him. So, this is the only way this will be decided and rightly it should be.
It was voted unamimously to purchase the pine bark at this time. Danny had the bark delivered and spread on Saturday, March 12th.
So, here we sit and for how long before a plant design can be found and decided upon? It took two years or more to get the frost damaged and dead Oleanders cut down to the ground and some new pine bark spread. I scratch my head every day and wonder how to come up with a design on paper to present before the board in hopes that it will be accepted and we can move on and get this behind us. Is Danny calling around and trying to get something for us? I had called Davey, a landscape and tree service company and had someone contact me via email to set up an appointment to come out and discuss a landscape planting design. I forwarded the email I received to Danny and a couple of days ago I had seen Danny conferring with two men from Davey at the 1st entranceway.
If I know Danny, he will do it eventually. We just have to sit back and wait now Go Danny!.