Who runs this website? Is it paid for by BBF? Is there a person from BBF who is responsible for developing the site. After reading some of the earlier post why have two sites? If not one person who else? I am new to the neighborhood and am trying to get some idea?
Contact list
I believe it you go to the contact list on the opening page it will give you an address. What this person does I do not know. Is she the only one, another good question. You may want to contact her directly.
Open forum
I did go to the contact list. If this person monitors this site, why did they not contact me back? For all of the complaints about the HOA site, Not sure this is any different?
To open forum
The honest truth is,they have no desire to contact you. The only reason they keep this site open is to promote discord in the neighborhood. This site serves no usefull purpose,other than to allow people to use it as a way to vent their displeasure for others and remain anonymous. It is a haven for gossip and finger pointing, to say it is anything more or less,would be a lie.I for one, am going to remove it from my PC.
By Kathy