1. What type of information would you like to obtain from a neighborhood website?
2. Would you pay an annual fee to help keep a website up and running?
3. Do you have any recommendations on a specific website to use for a neighborhood? If so would you please supply information in the space below?
4. Do you have any experience building a new website? YES NO
If yes, what type?
If yes, would you be willing to assist with this project?
5. Please let us know any other thoughts/comments you may have about putting a neighborhood website together?
6. May we contact you if we have questions,and if so, how?
2. Would you pay an annual fee to help keep a website up and running?
3. Do you have any recommendations on a specific website to use for a neighborhood? If so would you please supply information in the space below?
4. Do you have any experience building a new website? YES NO
If yes, what type?
If yes, would you be willing to assist with this project?
5. Please let us know any other thoughts/comments you may have about putting a neighborhood website together?
6. May we contact you if we have questions,and if so, how?