I want to welcome all with a kiss to my new website. I am helping to raise funds for Ida Heyward whom here in charleston, SC is helping to provide free breakfasts 3 times every week @ 633 King Street, The Hope Assembly Of God church, right across from the post and courier newspapers for Charleston. It is my pleasure to help this woman of honor whom tirelessly and effortlessly puts herself out for all concerned and like the supertrooper of all times, never wavers or fails to show up the make us all feel better. Ida is looking for a church of her own and also wants to help house the homeless whom will live for free. But she is in need of your support. Please don't let another twilight go by when these people will sleep and perhaps die out on the street becuase of a unloving and dispassionate society. We need to recognize their needs above all else and not everyone makes enough money to pay the high rent by landlords and also provide food, clotheing, enterntainment etc.Send checks or money orders to3643 Hilton Drive, Johns Island, SC 29455. Her phone number is 1-843-813-5382. She is always in dire need for extra funds and or food support as well for her breakfasts. Thank you for your kindness and consideration and a kiss goes out to all of you out there who do so care for the ravages of poverty-striken folk and their sad and hopelelss plight. We all are hoping to raise @ least $25,0000-100,000 the first 6 months or less of this blue horizons campaigne.
Make out your checks or Money oRDERS OUT TO iDA b. hEYWARD @ 3643 hILTON dRIVE, jOHNS iSLAND, sC 29455