So why is it that some people in my neighborhood is so rude. act so damn two-faced.
I had to put a security camera up just to protect my dogs from one nasty neighbor because she threated me that if they bark, she'd pepper spray the hell of out of them because shes to scared to go in her own damn back yard....... Well, let me think ..... Theres a 6 foot fence bordering our yards ..... you mind your own business and the dogs will mind their own business ...... i think its simple as that.
If that wasnt enough, they claimed that my dogs (Mini poodle & shepdard) nearly jumped over the 6 foot fence and "ALMOST" bit her.... REALLY now!?!?!??! Thats interesting. So they called animal control and they came out a few days later and wrote me a citation. With me i wasnt going to take the blame so i took it to court with lawyer and set a day for a jurry trial. yay, this is going to be fun.
Also i believe these people ar raciest, Why and how you may ask. Well because they always complain about Mexicans that use to own the house that i currently live in now. on top of that, The bitter old man would complain about the former Mexican families that lived across from him.
He being also part of the HOA board member, thinks he can do what ever he wants and get away with it. He probably told the other HOA members that they needed to fine me about my trash can being in front of my car. jesus christ, Really????? I didnt realize my trash can killed someone.