My intent is definitely not to give any one person the power to make all fiscal decisions for the city. Even if I was willing to give Vicki that power (which I am not), I'm smart enough to know that she's not going to be in office forever. If you would have bothered to talk to me at the picnic, you would maybe have discovered that I am actually a pretty nice guy who wants to contribute to his community, not some revolutionary who wants to take over the government. For the record, I disagree with Vicki on several points and have told her not to count on me to vote against my conscience. That being said, the apparent efforts of the current commissioners to run her off and stack the deck with like minded individuals has mobilized our immediate neighborhood to effect change. There is a perception among those who have been attending the meetings (and I admit, I'm not one of them so I'm speaking from second hand experience) that there is a vendetta against Vicki. If elected, I will need to work with at least one of the current commissioners (probably more) so I think it is important that the hatchet be buried and those who are elected move forward for the betterment of the community. Maybe if you would try to be a nicer person instead of telling people to "stick it up their gladstone" and putting words in the mouths of other candidates, we wouldn't even be running for your spot on the commission. By the way, our support extends way beyond Gladstone.
Tim Haertel