Bradford Colony HOA

Bradford Colony I and II December 2004 News

Nov 26, 2004

Fall is in the Air. Did you feel it this morning - the way the air was crisp and cool, not so hot and humid? Or did you notice that the color of the leaves on the trees has really started to change? Fall is time for change. We put our summer clothes away and bring out the sweaters and flannel sheets. We buy firewood and gather together to hibernate.

We all enjoy the beautiful show of colors as leaves change each autumn. Did you ever wonder how and why this happens? Plants make their own food.

They take water from the ground through their roots. They take a gas called carbon dioxide from the air. The water and carbon dioxide is turned into food using sunlight and something called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is green. It gives leaves their green color.

Winter days are short and dry. Many plants stop making food in the fall. The chlorophyll goes away. Then we can see orange and yellow colors. These colors were in the leaves all summer, but the green covered them up. Some leaves turn red. This color is made in the fall, from food trapped in the leaves. Brown colors are also made in the fall. They come from wastes in the leaves. It is the combination of all these things that make the beautiful colors we enjoy in the fall.

And like the leaves we are starting to ?“chill out?”. Some of us are already hibernating. We (Bradford Colony HOA) would like you to participate in the upcoming neighborhood activities and hope you continue to get to know your neighbors. Let us not fall back into ignoring each other and speculating about what our neighbors are up to. We can keep the sense of well-being that we achieved this summer and continue to look out for one another.

Then like the leaves we will show our true colors. See you around the block!

The 2004-2005 Bradford Colony HOA Board Members are President, Penny Grimm; 1st Vice President, Kim Sporrer; 2nd Vice President, Frank E. Adams; Treasurer, Deborah J. Mitchell; and Secretary, Bill Myers. The Board has several new members and we look forward to working together so that the mission of Bradford Colony is achieved through consistent communication to the Bradford Colony Homeowners.

The Board wishes to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of our outgoing President, Wendy Snead. Wendy contributed over 8 years of service to Bradford Colony HOA and is taking a well-deserved break. Thank you Wendy for your contributions in making Bradford Colony all that it is today.

Bradford Colony?’s Santa in the Park Event will take place on Saturday, December 4, 2004 from 10 am to noon. Come out and take a picture with Santa. HO!HO!HO! Merry Christmas! See you there.

Buying a new car? The reason dealers readily offer you the keys before you talk turkey: to make a photocopy of your driver's license. When you hit the road, they hit the phone or the computer. With your name and license number, they can instantly get your credit history from a commercial service. "By the time you return from the test drive, they know what you paid for your last car, what's on your credit cards, and your mortgage payment," says Duane Overholt, a former car salesman who now counsels consumers on dealership scams. "That information tells the dealer your spending habits, and we know that most people typically spend 10 to 15 percent more than the monthly payments on their last vehicle." Smart move: keep your driver's license tucked away until after you've negotiated a price. -AARP July/Aug. 2004

On October 30, 2004, we had our Costume Party At the Park event. Children of all ages wore their funniest, wildest, and most unique costumes. Some
did not even need costumes.(ha ha) The park was decorated with balloons and participants were served apple cider and cookies. Bags of candy were passed out and then the costumes were judged. The fun and activities for this event were put together by Mrs. Lori Miller, Block Captain of Taymouth Drive. Prizes were given out for best costumes from 0-13+ years of age.

1st Place Winners were: 0-3 yrs - Cami Nichols and Ernesto Nava , 4-6 yrs- Shakina Karimiee and Josh Baxter, 7-9 yrs - Lucero Nava and Juan Sanchez, 10-12 yrs - Breana Schweitzer and Garrison Box and 13+ yrs - Chucky Nichols.

2nd Place Winners were: 0-3 yrs - Kimberly Mendoza, 4-6 yrs - TyreceCalliotte, and 10-12 yrs- Julianna Baxter. Many thanks to Lori Miller and the judges for their dedication to this activity.

If you have any ideas for activities or upcoming events that will unite Bradford Colony, please email the Board at or contact your Block Captain. The Block Captains are: Bonny Moore - Bradford Colony Drive; Deborah Mitchell - Whitbourne Drive; Judith Adams - Hamstead Park; Lori Miller- Taymouth Drive; Bill and Leanna Myers - Horsepen Bayou Drive; Penny Grimm ?– Liscomb; Tonya Boatwright - Briton Cove Drive and Kim Sporrer - Harcourt Bridge Drive.

We still need permanent Block Captains for Harcourt Bridge Drive, Whitbourne Drive, and Liscomb Drive. Although we have Board members
working the blocks, we really need actual residents of these blocks.

What can we do about vandalism?
As discussed at the Annual Meeting, we are presently working on a Neighborhood Watch. More details will follow. If you see an incident please report it to the Police at once and advise yours neighbors what you saw so they will be aware of the activity. If the perpetrators are
teenagers, please talk to their parents first or contact a Board member and we can help you resolve the issue.

Why am I being written up for putting garbage cans outside my home or

leaving grass clippings on the sidewalk or street?

All deed restrictions exist to help the neighborhood maintain its?’ property value. When grass cuttings are left on the sidewalk and street, not only are they an eyesore, they clog the drainage systems. If the grass clippings are left over a period of weeks they make the property look like the yard is unkempt and gives the perception of the house being unkempt as well. This is also true when grass and plants are allowed to overgrow.

Persons are less likely to buy or lease property when it is in this state.

Our Garbage is picked up on Mondays and Thursdays unless it is a holiday. Recycling is picked up on Monday. Garbage is not to be placed outside in the front until 6 pm the night before the scheduled pick up. Please make

sure that the garbage cans have lids on them or that the garbage is secured in a closed bag within the garbage can. A lot of neighbors are placing garbage on the street before 6pm and also on holidays. This is a deed restriction so you will be sent a letter. We thank you for your consideration in the future.

Why are persons allowed to park on both sides of Hamstead Park along the end of the esplanade and not along Horsepen Bayou Drive at the Park? Isn?’t it a traffic hazard as well?

Presently on Hamstead Park both sides of the street allow for street parking. On all streets in Bradford Colony residents and their guests are
not allowed to park more than 24 hours, and are expected to remove their vehicles off the street during peak usage hours. Unfortunately, the
residents along this area park on both sides of the street so it does cause traffic to come to a standstill and cars to proceed with care as they pass.

Two way Parking along Horsepen Bayou was changed by Harris County and Hamstead Park will probably be changed too if the traffic is restrictive to emergency vehicles.

What can we do about the neighbors who are parking and blocking the mailboxes on Horsepen Bayou Drive?

The HOA had sent them notices in the past and they stopped parking in front of the mailboxes. We will send another notice to the homeowners now that they are parking in front of these boxes again. Note to the neighbors who are blocking the boxes: the Mail Carrier has also complained of being unable to place mail in the boxes because you are blocking these boxes at all times of the day. Please park in your driveway or in front of your house. Thanks for the consideration to all your neighbors on Horsepen
Bayou Drive.

Welcome Home to Marine Lance Corporal Travis Peaco of Hamstead Park. Your family kept the Flags waving high and the lights burning brightly till you came home. We will continue to keep you in our prayers. WELCOME HOME!!!

Bradford Colony Homeowners Association Annual Meeting was held at Horne Elementary School on November 3, 2004 from 7-10 pm. Many neighbors expressed compliments and suggestions for past and upcoming events through email, letters and in person. Thanks to all who participated, in person or through proxies. Voter turnout and proxy return were the highest it has been in recent years. Thanks to the Block Captains for getting the word out and picking up proxies from your blocks.

Items that were discussed included: Neighborhood Crime Watch Program, Board Activities, Treasurer?’s/Financial Report, Neighborhood Amenities, State of Bradford Colony, Resolution for Board Member Qualifications, Nominationsand Elections of New Board Members, and Homeowner Input.

Summary of Discussion Items:

Neighborhood Crime Watch Program ?– Deputy Soileau of the Harris County Sheriff?’s Department presented the Neighborhood Crime Watch Program. We are aiming for 60% participation in the Crime Watch Program and will need Crime watchers and a Program Manager. We already have Block Captains in place which is another component of the Program. Some suggestions to keep Bradford Colony safe were: know your neighbors?’ schedule and how to contact them in case of emergency; do not leave your door or window unlocked even when outside in the yard; lock cars and don?’t leave valuable in sight; put in motion detector lights, alarms, dogs and don?’t leave up your garage door; install deadbolt locks without knobs on them; put ID number on all your property (don?’t use SS# use TX .D.L. #) keep a telephone tree of your neighbors to warn them of the incident and key all the door the same so that you don?’t have a lot of keys.

Two things are needed for crime to occur, opportunity and criminals.

The Sheriff?’s Department offers free Home and Alarm Inspections to determine the accessibility of your home to criminals. You may receive from 5-20% off your insurance for successfully completing this service. To schedule a Home Inspection you can call 713-759-9454 and ask for Deputy Soileau (pronounced Swallow).

We were advised to call 911 if a crime is in progress. Once the crime is over call 713-221-6000 for non-emergencies.

There is a Curfew Law in Harris County. It is from Midnight to 6 am for children age 16 and under. It carries a $500.00 ticket. This affects parties as well. If you are having a party with children 16 or under and you are disturbing the neighborhood with loud noise and music during these hours a neighbor can call the police for the noise and disturbance and if you are not the legal guidance of the child in question the child and you can receive a $500.00 ticket.

Other things that need to be reported to the Sheriff?’s Department:
Gang Activity such as tagging of signs and fences.
Persons in the Neighborhood Park after hours.
Persons smoking illegal drugs in the neighborhood.
Parking on street and sitting in a car in front of house that does not belong to them.
Setting up speed traps for speeders and person running the stop signs in Bradford Colony.

Note ?– for buses that are speeding through the neighborhood, call Cypress Fairbanks ISD and report the time and street the bus was on when speeding and get the bus number if you can. Buses have tapes on them that tell the speed they are going at a particular time.

Board Activities ?– Because of input from the community, the Board was able to provide several activities such as Yard of the Month, Block Captains, Easter Bunny in the Park, National Night Out, Halloween Costume Contest,and Santa in the Park Events. Monthly News is being published in the Colonies Newsletter. Event flyers are being passed out by Block Captains.
Currently the Board is considering a Welcome Packet for new neighbors, a Website and a Homeowners Quick Reference Guide to Deed Restrictions. The Association?’s email is

Treasurer?’s/Financial Report ?–The 2004 assessments collected to date are $66,900.00 or 94%. Collection procedures are enforced by SCS Management Services based on the collection policy adopted by the Board of Directors. 2005 Assessments are due by January 1, 2005. Late on February 1 and will be assessed a 10% penalty.

Current Year Assessment Income:
Total Billed: $66,900.00
Year-to-Date Collected: $62,844.62 94%
Year-End Budgeted: $70,650.00 Year-to-Date Collected: $75,312.79 107%
Year-End Budgeted: $70,650.00 Year-to-Date Collected: $72,675.54 103%
Annual Net Increase/Loss in Fund Balance: $2,637.25

Neighborhood Amenities ?–
Colonies Neighborhood Center ?– This includes the park, pool and tennis courts located at the corner of West Little York and Addicks-Satsuma. Our assessment this year was $75.00 per lot in Bradford Colony and went to pay for exterior lighting, landscaping, and installation of fall surface at the park. The CNC Board is considering increasing the 2005 assessment to $80.00 per lot. This assessment comes out of your HOA Assessment paid to Bradford Colony.

West Little York P.O.A. - WLYPOA assessments which are paid out of the Bradford Colony assessments) cover street lights, seasonal color installation, and sign maintenance along West Little York and Huffmeister Rd. Assessments have decreased because of the Water District taking over the responsibility of the landscape maintenance of the esplanades.

Bradford Colony Park is being utilized by several families from Bradford Colony I and II. The Park has been the site of several events this year such as Santa in the Park, Easter Bunny and Carriage in the Park, National Night Out, and the Halloween Costume Party. Additional lighting was added as well as, mulch, sand and new equipment.

State of Bradford Colony ?– No assessment increase for 2005. Current assessment covers the budgetary needs of the community. Curb addresses were added to all developed properties in the community.

Resolution for Board Member Qualifications ?– New Resolution adopted to insure that each Board Member is a member in good standing with the association. Meaning that the Board member must be in compliance with the deed restrictions, as well as, the annual assessment.

Nominations and Elections of New Board Members ?– Deborah Mitchell and Frank Adams were elected to the Board.

Homeowner Input ?–
Condition, blockage and location of mailboxes. Recommendation made to have one location for all mailboxes near the Park, so that cars can pull in and not block traffic or the mailboxes.

Disposition of two undeveloped lots in Bradford Colony. The Board is presently working to resolve ownership of the lots.

Speed Bumps to slow traffic. Determined that emergency vehicles would be detained and slowed down while responding to a call. Recommendation that we set up speed traps with the Sheriff?’s department for speeders.

The Board has been hard at work over the last few months putting together the proposed Homeowner Quick Reference Guide (Deed Restrictions easy reference, etc) and the Welcome Package for 2004-2005. Homeowners will receive a copy of the Homeowner Quick Reference Guide in the next month. The Welcome Packets will be given to new neighbors as they move into Bradford Colony.

It has been noted that several cars and trucks are passing through our neighborhood at high rates of speed. Please slow down. Be on the lookout for children playing, pets in the street, people getting out of their cars, neighbors backing out of their driveways, and people crossing the street. Help us keep Bradford Colony safe.

The October Yard of the Month award goes to Janell, Marty and Brianna Sarnowski of 14707 Bradford Colony Drive. They received a $25.00 gift certificate from Home Depot and will display the Yard of the Month sign in appreciation for helping to keep Bradford Colony beautiful. Their yard is gorgeous.

The November Yard of the Month Award goes to Amy and Todd Krueger of 6306 Horsepen Bayou Drive. He received a $25.00 gift card from Home Depot and will display the Yard of the Month sign for the great job he is doing to maintain the beauty of Bradford Colony.

Well, I know that something must be going on but I haven?’t been getting this type of information at the email. I know people are busy out there?— let us know what is new! If you have a new baby, new neighbors, a new job, or other good news, pass it on to:

Please feel free to submit articles or information of neighborhood interest for publication in the Bradford Colony HOA Newsletter.
-Submitted by Deborah J. Mitchell, Treasurer and Penny Grimm, President

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