Bradford Colony HOA

Happy New Year!

Jan 13, 2005


As we start a new year, the Bradford Colony Board of Directors would like to thank all the residents of Bradford Colony who helped to make Bradford Colony a beautiful place to live. From the Yard of the Month Winners, to the Block Captains, to the persons who complained for change, to the 94% of the residents who paid their assessments on time and even those with deed

restrictions. We learned a lot from all of the situations that were presented to us and we are thankful for the experience.

2004 was a year of change, development and success for the Bradford Colony Board. We were able to make needed changes and develop new processes and

procedures to become more efficient. As a result of this we had many successes and improvements to the Board and the neighborhood.

We improved communication via the Colonies Newsletter, and Block Captain participation;

sponsored more neighborhood events ?­ Yard of the Month, Easter Bunny and Carriage in the Park, Neighborhood Garage Sale, National Night Out, Halloween Costume Contest and Party, and Santa in the Park; and made neighborhood improvements ?­ curb addresses, perimeter fence and entrance sign cleaning and Park Playground additions and improvements (benches, lights, mulch and sand). Currently the Board is developing a Welcome Packet for new neighbors, a Website and a Homeowners Quick Reference Guideto Deed Restrictions.

Many of the Board members joined the Board to effect change and fix things we thought were wrong. We have a mandate to further improve communications between the Board, SCS and the residents, as well as, inform residents about the deed restrictions and how they will be enforced and resolved and help to secure the neighborhood and maintain property values. To that end we are evaluating and making changes to several procedures associated with deed restrictions.

We have also developed a simplified guide to help neighbors understand the deed restrictions so they will know what is and is not allowed in Bradford Colony. We are trying to make all information accessible to all residents via newsletter, flyers and website. (We do need volunteers to translate all pertinent information into Spanish.) We are implementing a Neighborhood Watch Program and working with the Sheriff?¹s Department to make Bradford Colony a safer place to live.

Our thought for this year is to have an Attitude of Gratitude. Be grateful for all you have or will receive. If you would like to effect change and have ideas on how to do that, please come and join one of the committees the Board has set up to improve Bradford Colony. Thanks in advance for any and all assistance!

Attitude of Gratitude

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep... you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace... you are among the top 8% of the worlds wealthy. If you woke up this morning with good health you are more fortunate than the million who will not survive this week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle unfolding all around you, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation... you are ahead 500 million people in the world. If you can attend a church meeting without fear of persecution, harassment, arrest, torture, or death... you are more blessed than three billion people in the world. If your parents are still alive and still are very rare, even in the United States. If you can read this message, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all. - Author Unknown

HAPPY NEW YEAR! May Peace and Joy be yours the whole year through,


Fellow Bradford Colony residents how about starting a Bradford Colony Help Team? This could be a group that helps other residents out who can't help themselves with repairs and yard work. Several Board members have volunteered to assist residents who had deed restrictions to help correct the violation. We wanted to know if there are other residents who are willing to help (not monetarily) but maybe assist with fixing problems or mowing grass when the homeowner is incapacitated. Just a thought. If you are interested contact Frank Adams, Board 2nd Vice President, or the Board at


It?¹s here at last. The Bradford Colony Website. If you are looking for the latest news, current and upcoming neighborhood events, Board reports, pictures from events, Neighborhood chat groups or discussions threads, and ACC forms you have come to the right place, check us out at:

If you would like to post a discussion topic online go to the site and then post your topic at the Talk About it Section. You can also answer the topic question here as well. If you would like to place your family picture online go to the Community Pages section. If you are a realtor or a broker you can place your ad on our site as well. If you feel we have left something off please email us and let us know what you want added. See you online.


As many of you already know, there has been a lot of activity taking place the past few months with sometimes a continuous stream of trucks bringing in fill dirt via the access road that borders the north edge of Bradford Colony Three. (The road many Bradford Colony residents take to go dirt bike/ATV riding along the Bayou). This fill dirt is being dumped and then graded out by bulldozers.

Pat Cagle (Owner - Cagle Construction) has indicated that this piece of property (the sand pit) is being prepared to meet the requirements for use as a water detention system for Harris County Flood Control (he would sell it to them if it meets their specs). His other option is to fill the pit to ground level and sell it to a developer within the next year or two.

We have no control over what happens in this pit and although it is not directly next to Bradford Colony One or Two, the Board will continue to monitor this event to ensure that the outcome will not negatively impact our property value. This report is courtesy of Mark Przywara, President of Bradford Colony III.


Bradford Colony?¹s Santa in the Park Event took place on Saturday, December 4, 2004 from 10 am to noon. Over 200 persons came out and took pictures with Santa, received Christmas gifts, ate Snow Cones and played Christmas games making this one of the biggest events ever held in Bradford Colony.

Neighbors came out and stayed. They mingled and new friendships were formed. Santa is still recovering from the abundance of love shown him. He is still at work completing some of the Christmas lists that kids brought him. Two Christmas lists in particular were very long and very specific.

The Board wishes to thank all of the parents and families that brought their kids out and participated. Special thanks to Judy Adams (Hamstead Park Block Captain), Ryan Sporrer (Snow Cone Maker extraordinaire), and Jason Calderon (Photographer) for their help in making this event successful! Fun was had by all!!!


If you have any ideas for activities or upcoming events that will unite Bradford Colony, please email the Board at or contact your Block Captain. The Block Captains are: Bonny Moore - Bradford Colony Drive; Deborah Mitchell - Whitbourne Drive; Judith Adams - Hamstead Park; Lori Miller- Taymouth Drive; Bill and Leanna Myers - Horsepen Bayou Drive; Penny Grimm ?­ Liscomb; Tonya Boatwright - Briton Cove Drive and Kim Sporrer - Harcourt Bridge Drive.


The light pole on my block is bent where someone hit it and needs to be repaired? Who do I contact on the Board to get it fixed?

Thanks for letting us know but you need to contact Houston Light and Power Repair at 713-207-7777. They will need the light pole number (located on the pole), the physical address (which house is it near) and your phone


Most of the homeowners on my street keep their lawns maintained, however there is one homeowner that only cuts his grass when he absolutely has to

and the grass gets to be very high. Is there something that can be done?

The nuisance ordinance defines uncultivated vegetation as, "any weed growth, grass growth, undergrowth or dead or living vegetative matter which is allowed or has been allowed to grow in an uncontrolled manner or is not regularly maintained." This excessive weed growth is considered a deed restriction violation and as such will be handled according to HOA Mow procedures. If the homeowner does not respond to the letter that SCS Management sends out after the violation is reported then they will be added to the Mow list and their property charged for the improvement of their property. Note if the backyard has excessive weeds and growth, this could be a health violation. Please contact the County or the Harris County Health Department to report this violation.

The house next door is a rental, who is responsible for correcting violations? What can be done about noise violations, and vehicles not


The property owner, as determined by the Bradford Colony Covenants and Deed Restrictions, is the party responsible for keeping their property clear of violations. In the case of the noise, please talk with your neighbor and ask them if they could refrain from making noise during a particular hour or let you know if they are having a party in advance so you can make

preparations for the noise. (If you are the person having the party, please let your neighbors know in advance or invite them, and let your guest know

what is expected of them as well. Also please clean up after your events, especially in the street.) If this does not work or if you do not want to approach your neighbor please contact the Board. If the noise is after 10 pm and before 7 am, please call the Harris County Sheriff?¹s Department at 713-221-6000 and they will ask the violator to stop making the noise.

When used in this context, the term "not running" means any vehicle which, with the proper registration, could not mechanically or legally be operated on public rights of way. Vehicles are required to have current registration. If it cannot mechanically or legally be operated it must be kept within an enclosed garage or repaired. Again report it to the HOA and we will take steps to help the neighbor correct the violation.

Why is membership in Bradford Colony HOA mandatory?

Because the neighborhood?¹s original developers in working with their attorney setup the bylaws so that membership is mandatory. However, according to our by-laws once you buy a house in Bradford Colony you become a member and are expected to pay annual assessments until such time when you sell your property. If your household should ever stop paying assessments before you sell your home, then you would become "a member in poor standing" and will not be able to vote or attend HOA meetings until such time as you are paid in full. If you sell your house and are not a member in good standing, then the HOA will place a lien on your property in

an attempt to pay off the debt.


Best wishes to Private Raymond Duran, Jr. of 14511 Liscomb Drive as you go off to serve our country. Make us proud. We will keep you in our hearts and will continue to keep you in our prayers.


We are aiming for 60% participation in the Bradford Colony Crime Watch Program and are asking for volunteers to be Crime watchers. We already have Block Captains in place but permanent replacements are needed for Harcourt Bridge Drive, Whitbourne Drive, and Liscomb Drive. Although we have Board members working the blocks, we really need actual residents of

these blocks. These volunteer positions would not require a lot of time just attention to things happening on your block. Most of you know about illegal actions occurring on your block already but just did not have a means of correcting them. The Crime Watch Program will allow residents to communicate a specific need to the Sheriff?¹s department so that they can be

more effective in Bradford Colony and then the crime rate will decrease.

Some examples of crimes occurring in Bradford Colony, include but are not limited to: House break ins; graffiti on fences, signs and in the Park; speeding through neighborhood; curfew violations; selling of drugs and drug use; noise violations after hours; car vandalism; dog and rooster breeding for fights and dumping of trash.

Suggestions to help make Bradford Colony safer are: 1. know your neighbors?¹ schedule and contact information in case of an emergency; 2. do not leave your door or window unlocked even when outside in the yard; 3. lock cars and don?¹t leave valuables in sight; 4. install motion detector lights, alarms, dogs; 5. don?¹t leave your garage door up; 6. install deadbolt locks without knobs on them; and 7. put ID number on all your property (don?¹t use SS# use TX .D.L. #). We are asking that each block develop a telephone tree of your neighbors?¹ numbers to warn them of criminal incidents. Remember for crime to occur, two things are needed - opportunity and criminals.

The Sheriff?¹s Department offers free Home and Alarm Inspections to determine the accessibility of your home to criminals. You may receive from 5-20% off your insurance for successfully completing this service. To schedule a Home Inspection you can call 713-759-9454 and ask for Deputy Soileau (pronounced Swallow).

To report a crime in progress call 911. Once the crime is over call 713-221-6000 for non-emergencies. If you do not want to call about an incident that is occurring on your block please contact your Block Captain or the Board at


The 2005 assessments are due. The Board voted to keep the assessment amount the same as last year and you should have received your letter from SCS Management Services in November. Collection procedures are enforced by SCS Management Services based on the collection policy adopted by the Board of Directors. 2005 Assessments are due by January 1, 2005. They are late on February 1 and will be assessed a 10% penalty. If you cannot pay the full amount by February 1, please contact SCS Management, Nancy Callaway, at 281-463-1777for payment options.

Assessments are used to maintain common property areas in Bradford Colony and the West Little York P.O.A, and for membership assessments for the Neighborhood Center Board. When fees are not paid we incur additional expense to collect the assessed fees. In 2004, 94% of the Assessments were paid in a timely manner. Thanks to those Homeowners.


Colonies Neighborhood Center ?­ This includes the park, pool and tennis courts located at the corner of West Little York and Addicks-Satsuma. Our assessment per lot in 2004 was $75.00 per lot in Bradford Colony and went to pay for exterior lighting, landscaping, and installation of fall surface at the park. The CNC Board is considering increasing the 2005 assessment.

This assessment comes out of your HOA Assessment paid to Bradford Colony.


WLYPOA assessments (which are paid out of the Bradford Colony assessments) cover street lights, seasonal color installation, and sign maintenance along West Little York and Huffmeister Rd. The WLYPOA voted to drop the

assessment fees to all colony subdivisions by 15% across the board.

Assessments have decreased because of the Water District taking over the responsibility of the landscape maintenance of the esplanades.


The Park is being utilized by several families from Bradford Colony, and the surrounding area. The Park has been the site of several neighborhood

events and is showing wear and tear. The Board is making plans to clean up the area and fix the broken swings. Please teach your children the proper way to use the playground equipment and to place trash in a garbage can.

Also it would be a big help if you could help us spread the word to stop writing all over the trees and the equipment. We would like to keep our property looking cared for and in proper working order. Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

If you have any ideas for how to use the Park more efficiently, please contact the Board at


Please slow down. Be on the lookout for children playing, pets in the street, people getting out of their cars, neighbors backing out of their driveways, and people crossing the street. Help us keep Bradford Colony safe.


The December Yard of the Month award goes to the Alkhuli Family of 14735 Bradford Colony Drive. They received a $25.00 gift certificate from Home

Depot and displayed the Yard of the Month sign in their yard. The gift is a small token of appreciation for keeping their property beautiful and making Bradford Colony a pleasant place to live.


If you have a new baby, new neighbors, a new job, or other good news, pass it on to: Please feel free to submit articles or information of neighborhood interest for publication in the Colonies

Newsletter or on the Bradford Colony Website.


Since 1993, SCS Management Services, Inc. has been providing property management for the Bradford Colony community and handling the deed restriction inspection, Accounting, and consultation to the Board of Directors on matters related to the community.

If you would like to discuss any of the aforementioned items, please contact :

SCS Management Services, Inc.

7170 Cherry Park Dr.

Houston, TX 77095

(281) 463-1777

Our Bradford Colony Association Manager is Nancy Callaway, our Association Service Manager is Diana Barber and our Deed Restriction Inspector is Lakeisha Hicks.

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