I find it it an absoulte disgrace that
George Bush is celebrating democracy,
freedom of speech while protestors in
Washington DC are confined to a pen
out of Nazi Germany in Washington.
I find it an absolute disgrace that
Bush is pushing to bring democracy to
the world when we haven't figured out
how to bring it to Ohio, Florida and
other states in the US.
George Bush was looking at the Bill
of Rights yesterday, he was probably
thinking ''Ok i've destroyed freedom
of speech and other rights, what other
rigths can I trash in my second term.
It's a disgrace that $40 million is
being spent on this inauguration
when many are homeless, when our
temperatures went below zero, there were so many homeless the shelers
couldn't handle them.
It's a disgrace that a bunch of secret
service people are protecing the
president while a few blocks away
people are living in a crime ridden,
violent, dangerous city.
By What a waste
George Bush is celebrating democracy,
freedom of speech while protestors in
Washington DC are confined to a pen
out of Nazi Germany in Washington.
I find it an absolute disgrace that
Bush is pushing to bring democracy to
the world when we haven't figured out
how to bring it to Ohio, Florida and
other states in the US.
George Bush was looking at the Bill
of Rights yesterday, he was probably
thinking ''Ok i've destroyed freedom
of speech and other rights, what other
rigths can I trash in my second term.
It's a disgrace that $40 million is
being spent on this inauguration
when many are homeless, when our
temperatures went below zero, there were so many homeless the shelers
couldn't handle them.
It's a disgrace that a bunch of secret
service people are protecing the
president while a few blocks away
people are living in a crime ridden,
violent, dangerous city.
By What a waste