Jerk Kerry
Doesn't matter how Kerry feel the war in Iraq, the bottom line is he hasn't even visited our troops over there.
That says a lot. Then again, he might be afraid of getting his ass kick by our boys and that won't look good on TV.
By Bush all the way!
Mr. Kerry's Personality?
Why would you object to a clarifying of Mr. Kerry's personality? We in Massachusetts know Mr. Kerry well, having read of him and his voting record over the years. Mr. Kerry now
would like to be President of this great country and I for one do not believe he is presidential material! Mr. Kerry having spent a large part of his youth in Europe, going to finishing school in Switzerland! Mr. Kerry is more an European than an a America!
He speaks fluent French, German And Spanish. He has an European outlook on life and European tastes in food and a sense of class distinction! The present anger in Europe in France and Germany particularly is one of jealously because of Americas status as the worlds most powerful nation!
Frances attempt to present the European Union as an equal and opposite pole in the world,
equal in power and unified in opposition to America! The real problem is one of petty
bickering and a lack of good faith on the part of particularly France, Germany and Russia!
France in particular feel that they are the rightful leaders of the western world due to their culture,
perceived grace and elegant History! They would like to lead but need a consortium in order
have power enough to do anything!
Mr. Kerry feels that he would present a more acceptable face to Europe and
therefore they would cooperate with him but not with Mr. Bush whom they, The Europeans,
consider an upstart uncultured common cowboy!
One of the key means to bring America to its knees is the Keyoto Protocol which would limit
the amount of energy that America could use and would not limit country?’s like China or Russia!
Mr. Kerry said that he would sign on to the proposal to the determent of America!
The U. N. as well as the E. U. would like the American to fail in IRAQ and fade as a world power! The European?’s would then take their rightful place as world leaders! One of my problems with Mr. Kerry?’s Presidency is he American or European?
Just Ask Yourself,
What has Mr.Kerry done for you or this state over the last twenty years? The answer is zero, zilch, nada. And now he thinks he's got the makings of a president. Please, he's got the makings to be another Jimmy Carter. Isn't that a sobering thought for today.
My Democratic Party Has Been Hig
My Democratic Party Has Been Highjacked by Extremists
As a lifelong Democrat, it disheartens me that my party has chosen to go down a dark and dangerous road. The Democratic political agenda is both treasonous and full of perverted conspiracies. For this political party to try and persuade the American people that President Bush had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attack is reprehensible. It sickens me that this hatred for a sitting wartime president is so intense that it has blinded people who could once see.
Being a loyal Democrat, I did not vote for President Bush in 2000.
However,I was thankful that he was commander in chief when we were attacked on September 11, 2001. I fully support President Bush's foresight to rid the world of radical Islamic terrorists wherever they may be.
As Americans we should be standing side by side in our fight against these terrorists. Instead, we are a people divided due to the Democratic Party. It should be paramount that all Americans regardless of their party affiliation be supportive of our troops that are risking their lives in the Middle East.
The Democrats have aligned themselves with subversive organizations and subversive people. Their moral clarity has now moved from the center and is teetering on the boarder of a left wing socialist party. However, I will no longer be an accomplice to their un-American behavior.
In their desperate attempt to win back the White House, they have sold their souls to Michael Moore, George Soros, and their antiwar candidate, John Kerry. These people are a small representation of delusional demagogues spewing their vicious propaganda. Al-Qaida need not make a video tape to recruit its disciplines of death; all they need to do is take excerpts from the liberal media and the Democratic Party.
I can now empathize with moderate Muslims who had their religion hijacked by extremist, for it has happened to me.
So, Democrats, I bid you farewell, for I no longer share your degenerate values, your lack of courage, and most of all your dubious rhetoric.