Thank you
for responding Ted.
Could you answer the question about what the foundation reserve is, Dr. K mentioned at the SC meeting, that is where he got some of the money for this year.
About the contract, from your response I gather you did not ask town council for an opinion, could I ask why not? That part of the law you mentioned doesn't seem to relate to a contract just appropriations. Thanks again for your time.
More questions
I just looked up the laws you stated, I could not find chapter 105E and chapter 71 section 34 only deals with appropriations not contracts. My question to you is, how does the school contract become binding, is it once they start funding the new contract? In the past the SC never started allocating the raises till after they were funded at Town Meeting, so the real question is when does the school contract become binding.
Are you kidding
>Thanks for nothing Ted, you let the school department ignore the direction of your committee as well as the Finance Director's to feed the teachers with money that isn't available.<
What is he suppose to do? He expressed concern over the contract from day 1. He cannot force the sc to do anything.
The FinCom was aware of this scheme of the SC and hasn't pushed back one bit. For Ted to air his concerns but not send any warning shots back to the sc during the process is ridiculous.
We may only approve the bottom line budget amount for the school dept but we have the ability and responsibility to make monetary recommendations to them during the process. The FinCom hasn't done anything to rein the school dept in with the rest of the town and they should be held accountable for it.
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