Perhaps I have missed something here, or perhaps I am too uneducated to understand but what do the replies have to do with the original post?..
In regards to the original post, I agree.. Anytime help can be delivered to someone to hold them stable until the ''professionals'' arrive, in my mind would be quite beneficial.
Stick to the point
I am with you Sam, I thought I missed something, so I had to go back and reread the rather lengthy original post. So to that person who made the first reply, please give us the coutesty of ''sticking to the point.'' You can start another tread with another subject. Both subjects are interesting....
By Pam
Pammie you should be able to
both subjects, the original post was to get your attention. the second about Newton School adventure's in PC and failures in math. caught my attention and off I went.
I'll bet if I were in your classroom you would notice my eyes cross at that time. Just pay attention and give us your opinion from time to time instead of trying to change/control the drift.
P/s change the drift if you are getting uncomfortable teach
By A poor taxpayer, getting poorer
Reply to taxpayer
So ''poor taxparyer'' are you telling me you replied to your OWN original post with totaly different content. again, i say, make your own thread, both topics very intersting,,,,
and I am replying to this, perhaps, I need a life???
ps. what makes you think I am a teacher, i ain't
By Pam