''Almost $l million needed just to keep up.'' Per Dr. Kurzberg ''the bulk of any spending will be contractual.'' $552,474 increase in teacher salaries and a $431,028 increase associated with salary step increases. Simple addition tells us that is an increase of $983,502 in salaries alone. A public hearing on the school dept.'s budget will be held March 21st.
By money matters
Here's Hoping
That the teacher's union president will be there to put his $938,502 worth into the discussion. Remember, he was the one who demanded the school committee loby the voters to pass overrides. He should be then asked to take his road show to town meeting and demand the town pass the school budget, no questions asked. That way town meeting can put up or shut up. They vote on the funding, not the school committee.
where is all the money
When all those teachers retired last year at very high pay checks,and now they bring in teachers at a lower rate, where did all that money go???
By curious
They are hiding it
for the next round of school raises later this year.
By What a Way to Run a Railroad