Howard Dean says he hates republicans.
After hearing republicans for
years slamming liberals like me
and democrats like me I have to
say I agree with him.
By Dean Supporter
What Ever You Do,
Keep the hate mantra going because it's going to do wonders for your party. Also, now that he's going to be in the spot light all the time, Dean's character, record, and true feelings will come out and be exposed. ''I hate republicans and everything they stand for'' is a great way to begin your tenure as the DNC chairman. The way to unify the democratic party is to preach hate. And they call republicans dividers. Keep up the good work Howard.
Conservative Control of America,
By the way it looks, with Whako Dean at the DNC, at least ten more years conservative control of America, thank GOD!
That old senile fart Kennedy is in open warfare with Hillary and should be forced out of office,
not for fighting with her but because of his treason!!!
The combination of Dean and Kennedy will lead the liberal/democrat/socialists/party down the tube for the foreseeable future!
America has already said no to these idiots and their vision for an American future that Kennedy would have, Kennedy thinks that he speaks for America but
a huge majority of thinking people says, we will speak for ourselves, thank you!
So all in all me thinks that you are an off the wall diehard liberal/Democrat/Socialist and if you agree with Dean that proves it, wake up and smell the coffee!
So called Democrat are not the party of old, the party of real conservatives Democrats like Zell Miller!
By That old senile fart Kennedy
You do realize it was the republicans
who set the gold standard for
hate in the Clinton years?