Town of Braintree

Thank God For The UN:

Posted in: Braintree
This was on the web Monday:Weasel Watch
The Associated Press reports from Berlin:

Islamic extremists accused of plotting to kill Iraq's prime minister in Germany are smuggling battle-hardened fighters from Iraq to Europe, raising a potential new terrorist threat on the continent, according to German officials. . . . About 100 Ansar al-Islam supporters are in Germany alone, officials say.

Of course, Germany vigorously opposed the liberation of Iraq. We guess we'll soon see how well that appeasement strategy worked.
I'm sure France will be there incase problems pop up. And the UN won't be too far behind also. ISLAM, THE RELIGION OF PEACE!

For Jaques Chiraq's Honor Guard

Good how About 100 Ansar al-Islam more
for France,they could prove how gracious they are to Arab terrorists.

By a British snub of Jacques Chirac
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