I was watching the bebate tonight.
George Bush lost big, Kerry
won big.
It was like Bush was running for
king of the world, he was
irritated that the world wasn't
kissing the ground he walked on
and dared to question him on anything.
By Debate Analyst
What Cable service Mars T.V.
The bebate was on earth not in space. The debate here on earth was not
very exciting, Kerry attacked and stated that we must beg Europe?’s forgiveness for going after Saddam with out their permission.
He thinks like a frog and should run for Chiracs job not Bushes!
The debate if anything is listed as an draw, not a win by either!
When he loses and returns
to his native soil you should put in for a job as his stable boy!
- hagrid
- Valued Neighbor
- 11 Posts
The majority in every poll I have seen (about 7) do not agree with you. They see Kerry winning.
- hagrid
- Valued Neighbor
- 11 Posts
I of course meant Kerry winnning the debate. Whether that equals any bump in the polls remains to be seen.