Did you call Richie about the laggard or do you expect him to follow each contract plow and catch them talking. In case you are too stupid to know, we always under fund the snow plow account and the state picks up the shorfall every spring. That is the ONLY budget we can under fund legally. And if you raise the amount you cannot reduce it in later years. So sit down, relax and snitch if it makes you feel better.
By Bebe
hey pea brain
I didn't bother to call Richie because he is afraid to take my calls and prefers that I talk to OB. Their Boss John ''i can't wait to leave at 2pm'' Mcmahon, is also afraid to take my calls. The Selectmen or ''yesmen'' are a useless group of morons who are clueless. I will just continue to point out what is wrong with Braintree. The saga continues...
State Doesn't Pay, Bebe
Bebe is again spewing incorrect information about snow removal costs of local communities. Unless the Governor declares a state of emergency due to extreme snowfall, all snow removal costs created by a community is paid 100% by that community. It is true that towns like Braintree can and do each Winter deficit spend from their snow removal account (our account this budget is $129,549), but in FY03, Braintree expended just over $500,000 for it's snow removal. Us, we taxpayers, pay for this service. Every dollar counts and every dollar should be accounted for. When you observe any abuses of our trucks including the privates, call the highway department and complain immediately.
By Ernie
Keep Them on their
toe's make then sweat. They don't know who you are and have no way of keeping track of you. Expose all that is wrong, seedy, overpriced and crooked in Braintree.
They will call you an idiot but keep at it. Your reward will be their nervous behavior when ever a stranger approaches. You have the ideal way to report all misuse of funds and equipment in the town. This mini townhall is most effective at keeping all who should serve the town honest.
By Don Quixote a La Mancha