Braintree has a rich heritage that's gone sour. Our infrastructure of buildings, parks, fields, roads, office spaces for our employees all in need of serious upgrade. Our budget dilemma is we can't afford to upgrade (it will only be more costly the longer we put off our repsonsibilities)without an override. Say what you want about our various town officials, but over the past three years, they have been miracle worker employees under them from my view. We need to step up and float a bond issue that will once and for all upgrade the dignity and pride in Braintree. We can watchdog all we want, bitch and complain, but an affordable $25,000,000 bond issue to do road upgrades, fix schools, eliminate Wants from Needs, pare some employees and get serious about fixing what's broke, but not building new. I no more want ot spend more, but I'm serious about the decaying landscape here in Braintree from our grounds on up. We can do it affordably with a one time debt exclusion bond issue. Some for roads. Some for school BUILDINGS, some for office areas, some for parks and fields, some for fire and police quarters. Forget about adding personnel in the interim. Do with what we have in numbers and pare a few here and there. Reign in the school budget, our budget busting bulldog of tax dollars. Give affordable raises to our hard working employees, but cut the glut of perks and budget busting indulgences. Let's restore Braintree Pride as the class community of the South Shore with still the lowest tax rate anywhere to boot! Let's begin with this New Years Resolution Approach.
By Bert
By Bert