Town of Braintree

Mr. Kerry

Posted in: Braintree
2 words: IE tool bar spell check

thanks for the reply.thanks for using something besides Anonymous.thanks for the update.are you a Vet as well? if you are thanks for that too.finally i noticed you were able to string together some complete (but hateful) statements.bully for you.extra credit for original(but partisan) thought.
now that that's out of the way, let's begin dissecting that thought process of yours,shall we,hmm? okay you speak of Germany and Japan,but not Italy.all three were the original axis of evil
set on world domination: Germany/Italy
for Europe& Russia and Japan for Asia/Pacifica.we started out know,we were wussies then because a Democrat was in office(before the mighty Bush/Saudi alliance)
and we just didn't involve ourselves
(Monroe Doctrine,dont'cha know)until
Japan came callin' at Pearl in '41.
(who was the President then,was it George H.W. or W.,hmm)our allies included the Brits/French/Ruskies and together along Mr.H-bomb we turned the tide.that's when we decided to rebuild Germany,japan and Europe.i don't recall any strings attached to any of their natural resources for services rendered or a pledge of undying allegiance to the can't meter out conditional freedom based upon political or financial gain.i think you refer to that as Blackmail.not sovereignty.Russia rebuilt and split Germany along their own ideological
lines and those two nations decided much later For and By themselves their present day identity.Korea is presently split much like Germany was but not under the same conditions.they remain that way now with our help but far from our way of life.our military
still provide for South Korea's security and will so for some time.that about sums up your point.
did i mention in my post that i prefer
any way other than the American way of life or is that your way of reminding me that if i exercise my freedom of speech and it's inconpatiple with your view that makes me Un American? the reason we all can sit and type are thoughts here is because we enjoy the freedom to disagree.park your right wing bull at a similliar site.not here.
i'm a fearless freethinking American and you are always welcome to your point of and grateful. i am. ;0)

no freedom for the Iraqi's

Oct 17, 2004
Tell that to the German's, Japanese, Korean's French, and the former Soviet Union. We owe it all to our fighting men and woman.(They fought for the freedom they have today) I know that you like Hussein, Hitler and Al Queda. In five years Iraq will be all rebuilt just like South Korea, Germany and Japan.


By townie home owner
cut in paste/such a waste

does not put a smile upon my must strive to seek a ride to reach the others on their side. i fear that you will fail and it will cause right wing dogs to chase their tails.the time has come for one and all to cease and desist or all will fall.OR you could read that right wing post with a grain of salt,draw a conclusion jot down some thoughts and regal us all here with some humorous,insightful,or pithy Original Thoughts. go ahead.I'll
wait. until then,God bless you,us,them
and The United States of America

woooohoooooooooooo ;0)

By townie home owner

Have you ever taken a look at the financials of any of the drug companies? They are whores. They choose not to manufacture vacines because there is not enough profit in it for them, even though they are raping us with the money they make on other ''designer'' drugs.
so what of it; point please?

that's capitalist economics.they,like politicians, are not required to be moral in action or word.and?

By townie home owner
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