i have not doubt
firemen always respond when needed.there is no argument with their call to duty.people who are elected HAVE to always MAKE tough CHOICES in government that cost civil servants
their livlihood.it is never right,but it is cruel.people who are not in charge will always criticize.what is important to all of us in town may hurt individuals.what type of people would you have run town business?
to Sounds like (anonymous)
Dear Anon:
Truthfully.. I am not a fireman.
1.I totally hate heights
2. I Hate my roasts overcooked
3 Firehouse chili is lame
I simply think they did a great job today at the Shipyard. A job that would scare the sh*t outta me if I had to do it. I don't take it for granted
I am additionally appreciative to the FD for the night they came to my home and gave my wife oxygen etc.(basically saving her life )
Without the fire dept (Mr Cleggett) and the Police she may not have made it through the ride into the hospital.
Its not always the headline grabbing jobs (such as a the collapse) that the FD and PD do , but the other tasks that are done everyday / night without much glamour. Oxygen, Elderly parents, Dealing with goofy teens at the mall.
Think about it.
By Bill
Still Votin NO !!!!!!!!!!!
All the more reason business should shoulder a greater load of the property tax assessment.
That shipyard is a dangerous place and Mr Quirk has to shoulder the public shame for not ensuring a safer workplace for people he employs on his dangerous jobs.
Heavy industry and heavy businesses like Quirk, Clean Harbors, the Plaza etc suck up more police and fire dept resources than the general public.
Business should pay more.
I despise your self indulgent avarice in trying to guilt readers here into ''owing'' the firemen anything more that what your contract pays.
Just do your job.
You're not above anyone else who works in public service. You don't put your life on any line any more or any less that any other public service employee.
Braintree's firemen are paid well.
Don't even try to use this disaster on Quirk's property to try to guilt anyone into paying you anymore than what your contract calls for.
We'll know we're not paying you enough when I see help want ads for your job.
By A 2 1/2 NO Voter...
First of all
I am NOT a fireman.
Who said anything about paying the firemen anything more than their contract. I simply said are they worth it now. I see so much Fire bashing on this board someone has to stand up for them.
I think you have to distingush(sp) between your public service personnel. Firemen have a more dangerous job than school teachers and highway department workers etc.
You talk a awful lot about guilt. Do you feel guilty for bashing the fire department all the time.
By conservative