Still Votin NO !!!!!!!!!!!
All the more reason business should shoulder a greater load of the property tax assessment.
That shipyard is a dangerous place and Mr Quirk has to shoulder the public shame for not ensuring a safer workplace for people he employs on his dangerous jobs.
Heavy industry and heavy businesses like Quirk, Clean Harbors, the Plaza etc suck up more police and fire dept resources than the general public.
Business should pay more.
I despise your self indulgent avarice in trying to guilt readers here into ''owing'' the firemen anything more that what your contract pays.
Just do your job.
You're not above anyone else who works in public service. You don't put your life on any line any more or any less that any other public service employee.
Braintree's firemen are paid well.
Don't even try to use this disaster on Quirk's property to try to guilt anyone into paying you anymore than what your contract calls for.
We'll know we're not paying you enough when I see help want ads for your job.
By A 2 1/2 NO Voter...