Are you still bent out of shape
about illegal parking in front of the school,your husband must wear earmuffs
to keep out the complaints!
By Whats a matter You Woman
Fire Dept.
Braintree was in there. Their response average was excellent. 95%
Hydrants need not be frozen.. There is no water in them.. they are drained.. and in the past the caps are removed and anti-freeze coated the threads.. Just a tap on the top nut will loosen the stem.. It is after the water is exposed to the frigid air that the hose may freeze.. the water flowing through the hose may keep the water from freezing.. although this is not always the case..
The main danger is hydrants covered with snow so that they cannot be located.. That is why residents (if they care) should shovel out the hydrant nearest to their home. the fire Department can do only so much.. and they have been out clearing hydrants.. So if you care to save your home.. shovel out the hydrant nearest to your home.
Someone who knows..
How many
How many fires did they actually have? I can only assume not too many. Of the 5% calls not answered in a timley fashion, how many resulted in injury?
How many were mutual aid and how many times did the mutual aid companies get to the problem before Braintree?