We have a recall system.....it's called
voting the bums out at the next election.
Which I intend to do to them all.
By Scott Peterson
> You are probably a union hack who >always votes democratic no matter what
>and you can't figure out why this >state is in such a mess. Why don't you >take a wild guess!!!!!
Uhh.....take wild guess what politcal
party held ther governorship in the last few years. And they let
they let Bechtel Parson screw us to the
wall with the big dig.
How on earth do you ''miss'' 400 leaks?
Maybe Romney/Bechtel went to
major league baseball umpires to look
for the leaks.
By S cott Peterson
Hey scott
Your starting to sound like townie homeowner.If you are the death penalty is to good for you.
There is one republican in the whole state and you blame him for that.
Do you really think people are that stupid and your soooooo smart.