Stuffed by the School Greed
Last year there was a genuine effort to get everyone working together to address our budget woes. For the most part it worked better than it has in years past until the school committee sent a nasty gram to the selectmen.
--BELD-- has nothing to do with the financial woes of the town and the selectmen have been working with them to get more services for the town to help us.
BELD does gives some money back to the town!
The problem really is that the schools continue to come to the FinCom meetings and tug at all of the heart strings to get the money that they need. They've been out of control for years and that's the way they like it. It works well for them and they know it.
Until the school committee understands that it is not all about them and that they need to be responsible in funding their programs and not rely on one time funding sources like our chairman and Finance Director have stated, then the problem will never get corrected.
Its one thing to take votes for what you truly believe in but it's another to craft a vote that benefits your teachers and hurts the rest of the town departments.
By Fincom Member
I Understand Lexington Plan
I heard that the new teacher's contract includes a ridiculous brain dead (if true) a Lexington Plan retirement incentive for the teachers. They announce two school years in advance they will be retiring and they will get 10% raises in their pay for each of the last two years they teach? That's 20% on top of their current salary. If the annual teacher's pay is $54,000, and they get a 10% plus 10% for their last two years, they get an additional pay of $11,340 their last two years. When they retire at 80% of their salary based on a new sum of $65,430, their retirement will amount to $52,344 each year they live as a retired teacher. If the Lexington Plan is in fact correct in this contract, that's an additional $9072 each year they get as a retiree. Hmm, giving away the store of us taxpayer's monies is getting out of hand!
I mention this because the Firefighters, I heard, are willing to accept a one year zero percent contract from the Town if the Town will give them The Brockton Plan - 10%, 10%, 10% for their three final years they work as firefighter?
Who's running the shop, taxpayers? We're literally bankrupting Braintree with Quinn Bills (that's proven to be folly on us all), the Lexington Plan or the Brockton Plan.
And this information is supposed to remain confidential and not subject to public scrutiny. Our elected leaders are selling us down the proverbial colon pipe!
-BRAINTREE TEACHERS average retirement salary
Is close to 70k before factoring in the ''Lexington Plan'' Last contract, the teachers negotiated another step category Masters+45 that raised the top base pay for the teachers to 71K. My math tells me that these two contracts raised the base pay by over $4200 annually, creating an additional $3300 per year in increased pension costs to the town. And the School Committee says they are looking out for the children.
---average retirement salary-
By Kerry M and TMM
Pat Whitley,
Radio talk show host used to always say ask yourself when was the last time a teachers union threatened to go on strike for better books or more school suplies. The answer is and was never. The bottom line is that unions are there for one reason: to continue to push for higher salaries and retirement benefits. That's it. Even in Braintree when negotiations were tried to save some teachers jobs before layoffs were instituted, the union wasn't interested. Why? Because they could use the layoffs to complain about class size. It's a vicious cycle. It maybe time to tell the Braintree teacher's union and it's president, Larry Kramer, to leave the arrogance and the ''give me what I want or else attitude'' outside the negotiation room door. The teacher's union must also realize that people are starting to understand that it's not about the kids, it's all about the union and it's members.
BRAINTREE TEACHERS PAY SCALE 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008
I did some research to answer some of your questions.
1. In the last teacher's contract they got raises of 3% 3.5% and 3.5% a total of 10%.
The rest of the town employees only got 3-3-3.
The teachers passed up NO RAISES ''for the kids benefit''.
By contract, teachers work 182 days per year. It takes 11 years for a teacher to reach the top step in their respected pay scale, but they get step increases every year along with their newly negotiated contract rates until they reach their top step.--Jan 26, 2005--Dear Challenge
The teachers passed up NO RAISES ''for the kids benefit''.
By contract, teachers work 182 days per year. It takes 11 years for a teacher to reach the top step in their respected pay scale, but they get step increases every year along with their newly negotiated contract rates until they reach their top step.
SALARIES: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
MASTERS+45 $70047 $70747 $72162 $74327 $77300
SALARIES: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
MASTERS+30 $67905 $68584 $69956 $72054 $74937
SALARIES: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
MASTERS $61792 $62410 $63658 $66568 $68191
M+45 $424.73 --M+30 $411.74-- M $374.67
I suppose the new retirement benefit, the ''LEXINGTON PLAN'' that adds $2000 to the base salary for a teachers last 3 years is for the children also. This benefit also is pensionable at 80%.
-By Fact Finder