Old mother Hubbard went to the cubbard to get her poor dogie a bone. When she got there the cubbard was bare so the poor dogie got none. The moral of this story is Hubbard gave the business's of Braintree a tax break,and now the cubbard is bare.
By Joe has to go ! !
At least Joe has the balls to stand up and be counted. How about you? You can't even sign your real name to your post never mind run for office. If you don't like your elected officials, run against them. Oh but don't forget someone will bitch about you when you get elected, make fun of you all behind a veil of secrecy
Joe Joe Joe
Joe got elected by the voters of Braintree not the Business's. He forgot that the day he was elected. He is a stouge for the lawyer for the South Shore Plaza. Beacon Hill passed a bill to give the home owners a break and Joe let them down.
By John Paul Jones
Joe Joe Joe
Joe got elected by the voters of Braintree not the Business's. He forgot that the day he was elected. He is a stouge for the lawyer for the South Shore Plaza. Beacon Hill passed a bill to give the home owners a break and Joe let them down.
By John Paul Jones