Town of Braintree

Idea For Selectmen

Posted in: Braintree
Executive Secretary

In some respects, Hedlund who is a short timer might be a solution if he transferred to the Selectmen's Office, but when I mentioned this to him, he said he was completely satisfied where he is until he retires in a couple of years or so. Considering what Ackerman did on the job (virtually nothing), the idea of McMahon makes the most sense as he could be reassigned back just to be dpw director. Moving someone from their current seat for an interim assignment, but then moving that person back to their seat afterwards does cause for a shuffling of bodies and lapse in job performance continuity. From what I hear, Kay is extremely political in Weymouth and would probably be the same here in Braintree as it's hard to change spots on a leopard. Her heart is in Weymouth as Ackereman's is in Concord, so why do we even consider someone who really doesn't have the best interests in our town under consideration? Our Selectmen apparently are no different and they for sure would be looking for a lackie.
Kay The Council Woman

The Weymouth Town Council has their meetings on Monday night, so what to do with that idea if it were to bear fruit? Have Braintree Selectmen meetings on Tuesday night? What to do? Are our Selectmen up to making such momentous decisions? Put McMahon in the seat - let him shuffle the paperwork, greet the public and run the dpw with his cellphone to the department heads. He works for the Selectmen as do the departments in the dpw, so get my drift? Make him earn his ninety grand, save on Ackerman's salary and let the office support personnel do their jobs in their fine supportive fashion. Then Kay has no conflicts and our Selectmen make no momentous decisions of when to hold their meetings. Duh, makes ''cents'' and since our Selectmen are spending our money as if it grows on trees, this would be a cost cutting (temporary) move to show they are with us and not against us in funding our town's operations. Heck, Koko could be Dingee all over again in that scenerio when Hecta left the employ of the town for South America.
Kay and Conflict

Wouldn't Sue Kay have a conflict of interest if she sits now for Weymouth and is appointed Exec Sec? Isn't Weymouth in some type of conflict with Briantree, possibly a legal suit, over Greenbush?
On Second Thought

Maybe it is not Greenbush but rather the usage of roads in the landing. Someone help me out here.
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