where are the cops?
i dropped my daughter off at braintree
high school last night and both sides of the fire lane had parked cars.
the problem here is either:
a.the people that parked there
are inconsiderate and ignorant.
b.they ALL might be handicapped
which would be a stretch.
c. the police in town don't make
rounds to enforce the law.
d.the police/fire or anyone
having authority over such
matters were aware there was
an event there and it would
cause this breaking of the law.
e.all of the above.
you decide.
one thing's for certain though;
if Mr. Frazier or Mr. Kenney want more
coverage they might want to pay attention to Braintree High.it really truly IS more important than BOTH
Braintree Place and South Shore Plaza's
security issues.Simon Properties can
afford to cover their own butt.fire/police should respond to residents first,not town tenants who can afford their own security.is anyone
at Town Hall paying attention?
i dropped my daughter off at braintree
high school last night and both sides of the fire lane had parked cars.
the problem here is either:
a.the people that parked there
are inconsiderate and ignorant.
b.they ALL might be handicapped
which would be a stretch.
c. the police in town don't make
rounds to enforce the law.
d.the police/fire or anyone
having authority over such
matters were aware there was
an event there and it would
cause this breaking of the law.
e.all of the above.
you decide.
one thing's for certain though;
if Mr. Frazier or Mr. Kenney want more
coverage they might want to pay attention to Braintree High.it really truly IS more important than BOTH
Braintree Place and South Shore Plaza's
security issues.Simon Properties can
afford to cover their own butt.fire/police should respond to residents first,not town tenants who can afford their own security.is anyone
at Town Hall paying attention?