How can you do what they say
If you vote for Debt Exclusion does the Debt go away. I don't think so. How can the money we pay for trash fees if put into a tax increase pay for the trash pick up which should be the same price and then take care of the roads, the schools etc. and the Debt. I would like to take my trash fee and have my own debt exclusion so I can still have my trash picked up, remodel my house, get a new car and a fine vacation.
By common sense
Response to granny
Granny, the debt exclusion is a back door way to primarily raise more funds so that the recently approved teachers contract can be funded out the operating budget. Without a debt exclusion the cost of the contract is beyond what the operating can support. The new teachers contract is fiscally unsound and totally irresponsible. Our school committee and BOS are simply union supporters that are ruining the fiscal poition.
Keep Perspective
Here is a reason not to vote for the debt exclusion, it is deficit spending.
Some are arguing vote for the debt exclusion because the cost will be equal to that of the current trash fee, and we can take advantage of the tax write-off. That way of thinking underscores short term memories that voters have, and that government has come to rely on. Go back 3 years ago, when we did not have a trash fee. Ask yourself why did we become burdened with a trash fee. Let me refresh your memory. The trash fee was put on us by the then BOS who were furious the electorate voted down 2 over-ride attempts that year. Instead of reducing personnel like the private sector does, they choose to burden the risidents with a trash fee. If you really want to find fiscal mismanagement all you have to do is look at the contract negotiations process. In particular, the recent Teachers contract. The school committee and BOS approved a contract for which we literally do not have the money to pay. So not reward politicians that have raped you and now tell you that its over so you obviously must be feeling better.
A debt exclusion is more like refinancing to improve your cash flow for other things that need to be done and has a payment program that ends after ten years. We listened to the NONONO gang for over twenty years and look what is has gotten us? We recently completed a 7 million dollar road bond project and look at the progress that we have made. This progress needs to continue and the debt exclusion allows for that.
The BOS accepted the trash fee to save school jobs but look what good that did. I don't mind that they told us what would happen if the overrides failed but we now have an opportunity to get more for our money.
The school committee entered into a bad contract, but the BOS has no say in that matter. The raise money will come out of the school budget whih means layoffs, but so be it.
By refinancing the existing debt and allowing for additional borrowing, there will be money that is currently used for debt payments to be used for trash collection. This isn't tax and spend or shallow, it makes good financial sense.
By Anon